Subject: What's Happening - Spirit Is in this Place - Weekly Affirmation

WINGS Book Study Group (Zoom): Tue, 12:00 PM
Wednesday "Faith Lift" Meditation (Live Stream): 7:00 PM
Table Talk Thursday (Zoom): Thur, 12:00 PM
Bible Study (Zoom): Thur, 3:00 PM
Sunday Service: 11:00 AM
(At UCC & Live Streamed)
Construction Update . . .
The papers are signed and the closing was today (2/22/22). We're on our way!

Construction fencing has being installed around the entire property this week!  For the time being we will only have access to the east entrance and east parking lot on Sundays.

As construction moves along the parking may shift to another area. We're unsure if that will happen early in the project or later, but we'll endeavor to keep you up to date here in our eNews and with announcements on Sundays.

Also, in the coming weeks we'll be seeing several trees coming down. While this will seem frustrating, it's necessary and we're assured that trees will be planted to replace the ones that had to be displaced.
This Sunday: Spirit Is in this Place
Inspired by lyrics from “Spirit Is in this Place” words and music by Denise Rosier:

We have come together as a family. We have come here as we are.

We have come with hearts wide open. We have gathered here in love. Spirit’s in this place.

We sing in celebration. We sing with words of prayer. We affirm all life as sacred.

We declare that peace is here. Spirit is in this place . . . . Raise the roof with shouts of praise. Spirit’s in this place!”
We don't have a mask mandate at UCC. However, because UCC is pro-children and pro-families, we are encouraging vaccination for those who are eligible and asking folks to wear masks when near others indoors.

We are pausing our Pre-K childcare and nursery for the time being, in the interest of safety and well-being for all. We will all get through this together.
For now, let's do fist or elbow bumps and Namaste instead of hugs!
When You Can't Be with Us in Person....
Two Ways To Watch on Sunday & Wednesday (click images below)
If You Missed the Service on Sunday....
WINGS Book Study Group with The Rev Cynthia Mackey
12:00 PM
WINGS is our daytime Truth Book Study Group and is led by our UCC Minister of Education, The Reverend Cynthia Mackey.

The group includes men and women and there's always great discussion!

Make new friends, share ideas and explore Unity teachings in a supportive, positive environment!

The Reverend Cynthia and the WINGS group are studying Lessons in Truth, which can be taken for credit in our UCC Prayer Chaplaincy program as well as for personal enrichment.

Lessons in Truth, by Dr. H. Emilie Cady, is considered Unity’s primary textbook, together with the Bible. It has proven to be of great value to Truth students at all levels of spiritual unfoldment.
All are welcome to join in!

To Join:
EFT - Tapping Group
1:30 PM
What is Emotional Freedom Tapping (EFT)
Your body is more powerful than you may imagine, filled with life, energy, and a compelling ability for self-healing.
Like acupuncture and acupressure, Tapping is a set of techniques that utilize the body’s energy meridian points. You can stimulate these meridian points by tapping on them with your fingertips, literally tapping into your body’s own energy and healing power.
Gather with a great group of positive and supportive folks with healing in mind!
To Join:
Wednesday Evening "Faith Lift" Meditation Service
7:00 PM
Livestream Only

Prayer is the foundation of the Unity movement and of Unity Church of Clearwater.

The Wednesday evening service features guided meditation, music, silence, and prayer.

Meditation is the process of listening to the “still, small voice” of God within us. Affirmative prayer is the highest form of creative thought and includes the release of negative thinking as well as holding in mind statements of spiritual truth. The contemplative nature of entering into the silence allows people of like mind to share the power of sitting in the silence together.

We invite you to join us! This is an opportunity to raise the consciousness of oneness that is at the core of our Unity teachings.

Let us lift our consciousness to new heights through prayer and meditation, and help heal ourselves and our world!

Table Talk Thursday
12:00 PM

Let's get together and chat!

Board Member & President of Hospitality, Deb Larkin is hosting a weekly Zoom "Table Talk Thursday" call so we can see each others faces and hear each others voices.

Why Table Talk? Well, because that's one thing we miss during this time: sitting around a table in the café and talking together. The Table Talk will last about an hour. Feel free to drop in for a few minutes or spend the whole hour with us.
To Join:
Bible Study with Leddy & Rabbi Baseman
3:00 PM
We've begun a fascinating study of Numbers, seeing this interesting story of spiritual unfoldment as our own!

An excellent adventure in allegorical Bible study, team-taught by our Sr. Minister and retired Reform Rabbi, Arthur Baseman, sharing insights into Hebrew Studies & Unity allegorical Bible interpretation.
All Are Welcome! All UCC classes are offered on a free will love offering basis.
To Join this Zoom Class:
Want to watch on demand?
Archives of the class can be found on the UCC Facebook page
Annual Membership Meeting this Sunday!

Re: Annual Meeting by livestream (Facebook) AND in person on Feb. 27, 2022, 12:15 PM

As noted in our Bylaws, the number of active voting members of UCC who respond to a properly called meeting of the membership will represent a quorum. If you are a voting member who cannot participate in the Annual Meeting in person, you are welcome to view the meeting by livestream; the meeting will follow our Sunday Service on Feb. 27, 2022 about 12:15 PM.
You can participate through the chat function on the livestream.

The agenda of our meeting will include a reading of our Mission and Vision Statements by Board Members and a brief Spiritual Baptism blessing by our Ministry Team.

The following will be sent by email upon request by active members and copies will also be available for members who attend in person:
     a.) handout of Article IV, section 5 of our Bylaws*
     b.) current financial statement and summary of our Treasurer’s Report*

Next in our meeting will follow
     1.) the nomination of Trina Anderson and Sam Derrera as new Board Members. Meet Trina and Sam through their photos and introductions below
     2.) election of this year’s Representative of the Congregation for this year’s Nominating Committee
     3.) an update on construction plans for our beautiful new Church building.

*These materials will be sent by email or snail mail upon the request of active voting members by email to or phone call to 727 531 0992.

Here are links to our updated History of Unity Church of Clearwater, our Vision and Mission Statements, Article IV Section 5 of the Bylaws, and last year's Annual Meeting Minutes.

Be with us in person or on livestream to learn about UCC's exciting plans for our new Church facility!

Welcome Our Candidates to the Board
Trina Anderson
Trina Anderson has been a Unity member for some twenty years and truly is a blessing to us - her sweet presence always lifts our hearts.

"After visiting my mom’s new found Unity Church on the Florida east coast in 1998, I searched and found Unity Church of Clearwater. The Sunday lessons, classes and music have fit my needs from the start. I would like to see the church continue to be welcoming to all."

Blessings, Trina

Sam Derrera
Sam and Fran are dear members of our Welcome Team. They have been attending UCC for nearly a decade now, always positive, eager to serve and meet new friends. When they moved to the area, Fran went looking for a spiritual home. Sam said, "Just explore churches you find interesting, and when you find the 'right one,' I'll go with you." Fran attended several, across a wide spectrum of faith communities. We are SO grateful that she chose our Church and brought Sam along, too!

Sam broke family tradition by joining the US Navy instead of the army in 1983 and gave our nation twenty years of dedicated service there. He says the Navy "saved his life" by giving him a strong sense of purpose and direction in his youth. He actually spent about two and a half years "under water" on submarines! He has one adopted daughter and four more step-children and everywhere they go, he and Fran are dearly loved.

What a joy to have such wonderful people helping to lead our family of faith!
How You Can Donate
We're checking mail every day, so checks sent through the mail are fine, as are checks sent from your bank's online bill pay.
The easiest option is our online donation form which can be found at:
If you feel led you might consider setting up an automatic recurring donation. This can be done through your bank's bill pay or on the Church's donation form.
We've also been asked about the processing fees the church has to pay when the online form is used. The fees are a small percentage (3&-4%) of the total donation, however there is an option to cover fees that you may select if you feel so inclined. Every little bit helps and we're grateful if you decide to turn that option on.
Donate by Text! It's Super Easy!
Text "Give" (without quotes) to 833-679-1105 and follow the prompts.
Feeding Tampa Bay
Healing Thought # 100
“The secret place of the Most High” – “Jesus Christ called this place the ‘inner chamber.’ He said, ‘When thou prayest, enter into thine inner chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who is in secret.’ We do this in the consciousness of the Father’s presence within. As we enter, we close the doors of the outer senses and get away from the whirl of material activities. We feel a divine calmness; we gain understanding of ourselves” (Myrtle Fillmore, How To Let God Help You).
2465 Nursery Rd, Clearwater, FL 33764, United States
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