Subject: What's Happening - Love Is Alive - Weekly Affirmation

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Wednesday Meditation: 7:00 PM
Good Friday Meditation: 7:00 PM
Easter Sunrise Meditation: 7:00 AM
Sunday Service: 11:00 AM
Palm Sunday @ UCC:
Lesson Title: - Love Is Alive
I had a wonderful message from a family asking if we might be holding outdoor services on Easter Sunday. Here's my reply to them and to all of our dear UCC family:

Thank you for your message, and how we would love to gather in person on Easter morning! But Easter is a celebration of the Christ Life, and because we celebrate and cherish the Christ Life in each and every person, we are not able to gather in person -- even outside -- at this time. If we have more than ten people -- and, even then, authorities have stated and posted on our doors that, for now, it would be a health risk -- we must set a good example for visitors and families and musicians and our congregants, by continuing to hold our services online, as we have been doing. So, this Holy Week, we will be presenting services live on FB at 7:00 pm on Wednesday evening for Spiritual Communion; Good Friday at 7:00 pm; Easter Sunrise at 7:00 am - coming to you from outside at dawn; and 11:00 am on Easter morning as well. We are doing all we can to keep each other safe and staying apart today so that we can be together in days to come.

It is important to remember that although the Master called us to have faith strong enough to "handle poisonous serpents," we are not called to place the "serpents" in the hands of others -- so we must protect one another from exposure at this time, trusting we are indeed building both a physical, scientific, and spiritual immunity by doing so. It is also important to remember that Jesus' close disciples were practicing "social distancing" on that first Resurrection Day, for other reasons. Because our faith is strong, we can keep that spiritual connection, realizing that social distancing is not spiritual distancing.

Real faith means we know that even two of us are gathered together in His name, He is here in the midst of us. So, inspired by the true faith of Jesus and His followers from the very beginning, we, too, will feel His presence and celebrate His teachings, remembering that we are one with Him and one in Spirit. This is the true Resurrection that we all long to realize. I will be with you and your family in prayer, and speaking directly to you online at the times mentioned. Never fear, for the day will come when our joy will be made full and "no one can take your joy from you."

Your friend, Leddy
This week’s lesson inspired by lyrics to “Love Is Alive” by Richad Mekdeci and Tim Burnaman:

“Rise up, rise up this morning, rise up and say, ‘Love is alive, in my heart, in my life today, everywhere in this world.

Love is alive in this place. I can feel it, Spirit’s in this place. I can see it, shining in each face.’ Rise up, rise up this morning.

Rise up, rise up and say, ‘Love is, Love is alive in my heart, in my life, everywhere in the world, every face in this place. Love is alive! Love is alive in our hearts, in our lives, today, here for each other the way it’s meant to be — sisters and brothers, one great family.’

Rise up, rise up this morning. Rise up, rise up and say, ‘Love is, love is alive in my heart, in my life, everywhere in the world, every face in this place! Love is alive!’”
Come, learn and grow with us this Holy Week from a “place of tears,” to a realization of everlasting life!

Wednesday: 7:00 PM – “Spiritual Communion” – profound mystical prayer time

Friday: 7:00 - 7:30 PM – Contemplation of the 7 Last Words from the Cross (1/2 hour guided meditation)

Easter Sunday morning: 7:00 - 7:30 AM, Easter Sunrise Meditation
Easter Sunday morning: 11:00 AM – “LOVE IS ALIVE!”

We're looking forward to being together!
Y'all Are Keeping Us Encouraged
This Week's Kind Words from Prayer Chaplain, Mary MacKenzie
Unity is my fresh air.

It lifts me up.

It renews me, just like inhaling a breath of fresh air.

I breathe in the good and exhale the rest.

Unity helps to blow away the cobwebs that can slow down my progress.

Unity helps to clear my eyes that I may see all the good around me.

I thrive in Unity!
How You Can Donate
In the past couple of weeks many have asked  "what's the best way to send an offering to the church?"

We're checking mail every day, so checks sent through the mail are fine as are checks sent from your bank's online bill pay.

The easiest option is our online donation form which can be found at:

If you feel led you might consider setting up an automatic recurring donation. This can be done through your banks bill pay or on the church's donation form.

We've also been asked about the processing fees the church has to pay when the online form is used. The fees are a small percentage (3&-4%) of the total donation, however there is an option to cover fees that you may select if you feel so inclined. Every little bit helps and we're grateful if you decide to turn that option on.
Free Playlist from emPower Music (click image)
Healing Thoughts # 2
“Jesus spent whole nights in prayer according to the Gospels, and it is quite evident that He was resurrecting His body by realizing, as we do in our prayers, that God was His indwelling life. His affirmation for more life was ‘ I am the resurrection, and the life.’ . . . When we affirm, ‘I am,’ with our thoughts centered on Spirit, we quicken the life flow in the body and awaken the sleepy cells. Such affirmations clear up congested areas of the organism and restore the circulation to its normal state, health. . . . God is Spirit, and Spirit is the very essence of the ether in which we live, move, and have our being” – Charles Fillmore, “Be Thou Made Whole” from Jesus Christ Heals, 1939, p. 13.
Your Weekly Affirmation:



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