Subject: What's Happening - God's Circle - Weekly Affirmation

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WINGS Book Study Group: Tue, 12:00 PM
Wednesday "Faith Lift" Meditation: 7:00 PM
Table Talk Thursday (Zoom): 12:00 PM
Exodus Class (Zoom): Thur, 3:00 PM
Sunday Service: 10:45 AM
Sunday Social (Zoom): 12:00 PM
Open Hands
Here are two wonderful children from Unity of Clearwater Youth Ministry, showing how they learned to pray.  We look forward to the day when we can gather together in person and tell them how they encouraged us all to pray with open hands and hearts!
Open Hands
By LH – Autumn of Corona, 2020

When I was very small, I learned to pray with open hands.
    It helped me then. I feel it always will.
This is the easy way, for every person understands
    how wonderful it feels just to be still.

Hands open in my lap, my right rests on my other palm.
    I close my eyes and breathe, so soft and low.
It only takes a moment ‘til I’m feeling safe and calm,
    and then we whisper, “Peace. Be still and know.”

By putting everything aside, I open up a place
    for God to put a blessing for me there.
Then we say, “Thank You, God. Amen,” and, in that quiet space,
    We feel the peace of open-hearted prayer.

When my hands are open, I am gently letting go
    and letting God take over all my plans.
Then everything gets easier for me, because I know
    how to pray by opening my hands.
This Sunday's Lesson: - God's Circle
Inspired by lyrics to “Everything” by Daniel Nahmod:

“All that I see, all that I do, all that I am is created by You.
Whatever I know, know to be true, whatever I wonder, the answer is You . . . .

Every song that I sing, every last melody,
every prayer that I say, every night every day. You are everything . . . .

Whom do I love and open up to? Whom do I worship? My God, always You.
Whom do I worship and give myself to?
Whom do I worship, My God, always You . . . .

Every breath that I breathe, You are everything.
Every word that I speak, You are everything.
Every sight that I see, You are everything
Every thought, every dream, You are everything . . . .

Nothing outside of your circle, nothing outside of your sight.
Nothing outside of your circle, nothing outside of your light.”
Two Ways To Watch on Sunday & Wednesday (click images below)
The 15th Annual emPower Posi Awards
Saturday, November 14
7:00 PM

The emPower Posi Awards were introduced in 2005 to recognize excellence in songwriting for positive, emPowering Music.

The Posi Awards celebrate the powerful music and extraordinary artists who are transforming lives and helping to create a world that works for everyone through the power of Posi-tive music.

Although the rest of the emPower Music Festival has been cancelled for this year, the Posi Awards will still be held virtually.

You won't want to miss this great event and the opportunity to support the songwriters that give us the wonderful music that we enjoy so much!

Exodus Class (ZOOM)
All Are Invited to Join in
Hitting the High Spots of....
Chapters 1-20 FOR 2020!
3:00 PM
An excellent adventure in allegorical Bible study

Team-taught by our Sr. Minister and retired Reform Rabbi, Arthur Baseman

Sharing insights into Hebrew Studies & Unity allegorical Bible interpretation.

All Are Welcome! All UCC classes are offered on a free will love offering basis.
To Join this Zoom Class:

Meeting ID: 848 8566 4142
Passcode: 285319

Want to watch on demand?
Archives of the class can be found on the UCC Facebook page
WINGS Book Study Group
12:00 PM
WINGS is our daytime Truth Book Study Group and is led by our gifted Certified Truth Teacher, Cynthia Mackey.

The group includes men and women and includes great discussion!

Make new friends, share ideas and explore Unity teachings in a supportive, positive environment -- our Unity Café!

We'll be studying the New Thought classic, Sermon on the Mount by Emmet Fox

All are welcome to join in!

To Join this Zoom Class:

To Join By Phone Call:
646-558-8656 or 301-715-8592
(You'll Need the ID and Password Above)
THURSDAYS & SUNDAYS! Join Us on Zoom! It's Easy!!
Table Talk Thursday
12:00 PM

Bring your lunch and let's get together and chat!

Board Member & President of Hospitality, Deb Larkin is hosting a weekly Zoom "Table Talk Thursday" call so we can see each others faces and hear each others voices.

Why Table Talk? Well, because that's one thing we miss during this time. Sitting around a table in the café and talking together.
The table talk will last about an hour. Feel free to drop in for a few minutes or spend the whole hour with us.
Each week Deb will have a new topic and you will have the opportunity to learn something new about each other and to share your thoughts. You can choose to participate or just listen in, whatever is comfortable for you. It will be a fun time for all as we enjoy our Unity community and navigate a new normal of virtual social distancing.
THURSDAY Meeting Login Info:
Call in By Phone if Preferred:
646-558-8656 or 301-715-8592
(You'll Need the ID and Password Below)
Meeting ID:
899 2533 1726
Lessons Learned
Sunday Social
12:00 PM
Join Leddy on Zoom and share your thoughts after the service. Bring your coffee and enjoy some casual face time with us.

We miss seeing you and are looking forward to spending an hour or so with you.
SUNDAY Meeting Login Info:
Invite Link:
Call in By Phone if Preferred:
646-558-8656 or 301-715-8592
(You'll Need the ID and Password Below)
Meeting ID:
884 0094 7378
Below Are Links To Help You Get Set Up with Zoom
How Do You Want To Join?
Apple Device
Android Device
A Cautionary Covid Tale
This message was shared by our Music Director, Sue Riley, who received it from Jennifer "Birdie" Shawker, Communications and Activities at Unity of San Antonio:

"Pamela forwarded this to me because I'm the one coordinating and rendering the video Sunday service. Perhaps if I give you a few more details, you might understand our situation a little better and give us some guidance. Since the outbreak, our service is now 100% prerecorded. We now upload to YouTube and Facebook and primire the videos, they are not live. That is because one of the singers exposed us, coming to our live broadcast unaware he had COVID 19 and singing. The singer informed us as soon as he knew, of course, but within days, most of our team tested positive and most of us got sick. This is what is called a "superspreader" event, and can happen when singing is involved, as I am sure you are aware.

I was extremely sick with it and am a 'long hauler,' so, for the foreseeable future all of our services will be prerecorded. Since I am the video person, I no longer video tape music of any sort where singing is done [by musicians of different households]. It is simply too risky for me health wise. I don't think the band is crazy about working together again anyway after all that transpired.

I know, super scary. We were so fortunate that most everyone fully recovered. I gotta tell you it's a long hard road back for some. Really worth avoiding. Glad your center is not open. You have some good leadership in place, not all centers are so fortunate. It is hard when people clamor for opening or an online experience more like "normal church." Feel free in your leadership role to use our situation as a cautionary tale, I know I do. It's the best way I know of to see the good and use the situation for good.

Thanks much,
FREE! "PICK UP STICKS" - FREE AT Unity Church Grounds!
After stormy days, wind tends to disperse lots of twigs and branches around the Unity Church and Peace Cottage grounds that can make grass cutting a real challenge there! So, if you and/or your household have a chance to spend a half hour or so picking up sticks and branches on the Church grounds, we'd be very grateful if you'd place them in the dumpster that is behind the Church garage on the southern side of the parking lot, OR in the green bin on the west side (driveway) of the Peace Cottage. Our helpers who place the bin at the curb on Thursday afternoons to be picked up on Fridays and then return the green bin to the driveway behind the gate at Peace Cottage on Friday evenings gets special "angel points." By the way, if you happen to have a fireplace, these twigs make great kindling, and you're welcome to it!
How You Can Donate
We still are getting frequent questions has been: "what's the best way to send an offering to the church?"
We're checking mail every day, so checks sent through the mail are fine as are checks sent from your bank's online bill pay.
The easiest option is our online donation form which can be found at:
If you feel led you might consider setting up an automatic recurring donation. This can be done through your banks bill pay or on the church's donation form.
We've also been asked about the processing fees the church has to pay when the online form is used. The fees are a small percentage (3&-4%) of the total donation, however there is an option to cover fees that you may select if you feel so inclined. Every little bit helps and we're grateful if you decide to turn that option on.
Now Available: Text Giving
Text "Give" (without quotes) to 833-679-1105 and follow the prompts.
Giving by text is quick & easy! Our processor has come up with a couple of videos to explain the process. Click below to watch one.
UCC Contributes Monthly to Feeding Tampa Bay
Feeding Tampa Bay's mission is "ending hunger by fueling the human potential in every family, child, and senior across our 10 county reach with our programs, services, and partnerships, we are changing lives, providing long-term stability, and creating a hunger free Tampa Bay by 2025."
Healing Thought # 33
Circle of Light – ca 1970’s – Eric Butterworth

“The activity of God is eternal love, life, substance, peace. It’s always working for the positive, the outreaching of light . . . . In our Circle of Light, [at Unity, we seek] to realize the consciousness of light . . . . There’s a dynamic that takes place when people are gathered in a consciousness of oneness, because when we’re all here thinking in terms of finding the light of truth for our lives something happens . . . . The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. There’s a oneness of vision and focus, one projection of light . . . . When you go forth from this place [of study and prayer] today, keep your consciousness centered in the circle of light. Wherever there’s a situation [that you want to bless] , . . . put a circle of light around it. Consciously think of a circle of light around the person or around the situation and as far as you’re concerned you can let it go. It will not only keep you from the negative, but release the flow of light within you because your life will be a purposeful, meaningful expression of healing light in the world around you . . . . Let's focus this light on all the people . . . [with] circles of light surrounding each one, putting on the armor of protection in the light . . . .”
Your Weekly Affirmation:



2465 Nursery Rd, Clearwater, FL 33764, United States
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