Subject: What's Happening - Expecting - Weekly Affirmation

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This Sunday @ UCC:
Expecting - Judy Tafelski
Negative expectations do not help us, while positive and loving thoughts are manifesting now.

Every good thought, like an angel presence, goes before me to make my way easy, safe, prosperous, and happy.

I deny the stumbling blocks of doubt, fear, and worry, and instead I build up a strong and positive consciousness that paves the way to good outcomes.

I reflect on the good I expect, and as I conceive it, I receive it – or something even better!
Outdoor Meditation Retreat with Bhante Dhammawansha
Sat, Oct 1
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Anderson Park

All are welcome to take part in the Dhamma Wheel Outdoor Mindfulness Meditation Retreat with Vegetarian Lunch

What is Mindfulness Meditation?
By intentionally practicing mindfulness, deliberately paying more careful moment-to-moment attention, individuals’ can live more fully and less on ‘automatic pilot,’ thus being more present for their own lives.

Suggested Donation: $35.00

Click here for more info (pdf)

This retreat is open to both those new to mindfulness meditation that want to learn more and those experienced that was to deepen their practice.
WINGS Study Group
11:30 AM

Our Unity WINGS (We Inspire New Growth Spiritually) study group resumes weekly meetings.

The group will be studying the Unity classic "What Are You?" by Imelda Shanklin.

Bring your lunch and enjoy a time of fellowship, truth study, and discussion.

All Are Welcome!!

This Week

Office Closed


WINGS Study Group
Tue, 11:30 AM

Int'l Day of Peace Service
Wed, 7:00 PM
Peace Chapel

Tai Chi
Thur, 6:00 PM
Peace Cottage

AA Meeting
Thur, 7:30 PM
Peace Cottage

Express Saturday
Sat, 9:00 AM
UCC Campus

Judy Tafelski
Sun, 10:30 AM

Coming Up

Prayer & Meditation Service
Sept 28, 7:00 PM
Peace Chapel

Half Hour Hebrew
Oct 20, 7:00 PM

Torah Study
Oct 20, 7:30 PM

Unity Singers
Oct 5, 7:00 PM

Service Saturday
Oct 8, 9:00 AM
UCC Campus

Half Day Meditation Retreat
Oct 15, 8:30 AM
Dhamma Wheel

New Member Meet n Greet
Nov 6, 12:00 PM
Peace Chapel

June Harben Art Show
Octagon Arts Center at UU Clearwater

Show Runs:
Sept 17 - Oct 19

June is our amazing floral designer at UCC, who, for decades, has created the gorgeous, color-coordinated floral arrangements for our Sanctuary and inspired us all with her creativity and sweet, wise presence.   Many may not realize that she is also truly one of the finest artists ever to grace Tampa Bay!  Honor June and enjoy her awesome art at the gallery at the Octagon (our UU neighbors, just across the street!).

Title of show: "Sights and Sighs"

Artists: June Harben and Friends (Carol Crumrine, Jim Thorne, Pat Morrison, Joan Francischellij, Arlen Thorensen & Jana Somah)

Gallery Hours: 9:00 am - 12:00 noon Tuesday - Friday
9:00 am -10:30 am and12:00 noon - 1:00 pm Sunday
Remembering Mary Beth Shaughnessy
Mary Beth passed peacefully in Hospice on Wed, Aug 24.

A Celebration of Life service has been planned for Sat, Oct 1 at 2:00 PM in the UCC Sanctuary.

We invite you to bring cookies to share in the cafe for a gathering afterward.

Those who wish to do so may contribute at the bookstore toward an engraved brick in her honor.
UCC Is Thriving Because of YOU!
It's exciting to take part in well-attended services here among positive people who feel at home with us!

Here's how you are creating a culture of WELCOME at UCC and helping us to grow by going out of your way to:

  •  introduce yourself to first time guests seated near you, asking their first names and telling them you hope they will come back soon!

  • going out of your way to say hello to folks carrying a blue "welcome bag," and offering to help them know their way around the church - with a smile!

  • taking care to stop by the round "Welcome Table" in the Café to speak with folks who are seated there especially to be greeted!

  • making sure to sit by someone new to you at every opportunity at UCC ("Saving seats" or claiming a particular place as "yours" because you're used to it would send a message that newcomers are not as welcome as "chums" or "the in-crowd" and may cause folks not to return. When someone asks, "Is this seat saved?" the best answer is, "Yes . . . for YOU! Please have a seat!"
Thanks for the many ways you express the UNITY WAY!
Prosperit-E-mail # 353
“In praying for guidance about [a] challenging job, the thought came to me that divine loe was to be my secret weapon; that love could win in this situation and could again bring victorious results of harmony and prosperity to this organization.

When I expressed these thoughts at that first board meeting, my ideas on divine love only provoked the two objecting board members, who scoffed at the ‘mere’ power of love for solving anything. They ‘told me off’ for even suggesting such a thing, and then they resigned. This proved to be love’s first step in clearing away inharmony.”

(Catherine Ponder in The Prospering Power of Love [Unity School of Christianity, 1966]

Your Weekly Prosperity Affirmation:

2465 Nursery Rd, Clearwater, FL 33764, United States
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