Subject: What's Happening - Evolution - Weekly Affirmation

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This Sunday @ UCC:
Evolution - Leddy Hammock
(inspired by lyrics by David Roth, Lisa Aschmann, and J.D. Martin)

We are spiritual beings, currently going through a human experience on the way to an infinite unfoldment. We are made of hopes and dreams. We are the stuff of stars.

Everything and every creature began as a divine idea in the mind of God. We are children of God. We are God’s ideas. We are the stuff of stars. We are the stuff of stars.

The world is made of “God-Stuff” – radiant with God-Life. We are made of Spirit. We are the stuff of stars.

No challenge can extinguish who we are. Never underestimate the power and speed of light. We’re the stuff that stars are made of. We are the stuff of stars.
Let's Evolve Together!
2017 Evolution Weekend

This year marks the 12th annual Evolution Weekend. All participating congregations will address the relationship between religion and science this February, especially Feb. 10-12. Unity Church of Clearwater's Senior Minister signed The Clergy Letter early in the history of this project, and has participated every year for over a decade, usually by planning a Sunday lesson topic in February on the general theme of evolution. Our lesson topic on Sunday, February 11, will be "Evolution!"

The Clergy Letter Project is an endeavor designed to demonstrate that religion and science can be compatible and to elevate the quality of the debate of this issue. The Clergy Letter Project has been officially endorsed by the Presbyterian Church (USA), The United Methodist Church worldwide, the Presbytery of the Cascades, the Southeast Florida Diocese of the Episcopal Church, and the Southwestern Washington Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Some 14,000 clergy from most denominations have tremendous respect for evolutionary theory and have embraced it as a core component of human knowledge, fully harmonious with religious faith. At this time, nearly 14,000 clergy representing a long list of faith communities, including many Unitarian Universalist churches, take part in this project,, inspired by the belief that the more evolved our science becomes, the more the sacredness of our universe is revealed!
CPR Class
Sat, Feb 11
10:00 AM
Peace Cottage

Retired Belleair Lieutenant Chuck Barlet, who was a fireman and a good friend of our member, Ms. Jackie Blake (beloved Belleair Firehouse “Mom” who made her transition a few years ago), is generously offering CPR/AED re-certification training, open to the public, at the Peace Cottage.

The class is very relaxed and easy and will last from 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

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The emPower Posi Music Fest
Feb 23-27
Tampa Marriott Westshore

5 Days of Amazing Events!

If you're a fan of the great musicians that visit UCC, then this event is for you! Most all of them will be there as well as many you may not be familiar with.

The festival registration price of $325 includes 3 communal lunches. A service charge of $5.95 will be applied to registrations.

Group rates are available for 3 or more from same church.

The beautiful Tampa Marriott Westshore
Hotel Conference Rate is $133 plus tax per night and each room can sleep up to 4 people.

Experience the most awesome gathering of Posi Music artists on the planet!
  • Nightly concerts
  • The wildly popular Pajama Jam acoustic music showcases
  • Workshops and keynotes featuring Julie Gold (From a Distance) & StoweGood
  • Song circles
  • Namaste Cafe (share a song)
  • Conference Chorus and ensembles
  • And the 12th Annual emPower Posi Awards

Individual event tickets as well as a commuter package are available to those that can't attend the whole event.

Click here for the complete schedule, workshop descriptions, and registration

See Sue Riley or Russ Hammock for more info

This Week
Office Closed

The Happiness Experiment
Peace Cottage

WINGS Book Study Group
Tue, 11:30 AM

Prosperity Class
Tue, 7:00 PM

Prayer & Meditation Service
Wed, 7:00 PM
Peace Chapel

Unity Singers Rehearsal
Wed, 7:00 PM

Tai Chi
Thur, 6:00 PM
Peace Cottage

Half Hour Hebrew
Thur, 7:00 PM

Torah Study
Thur, 7:30 PM

AA Meeting
Thur, 7:30 PM
Peace Cottage

Refuge Recovery
Fri, 6:00 PM
Peace Cottage

CPR Class
Sat, 10:00 AM
Peace Cottage

Coming Up
Half Day Meditation Retreat
Feb 18, 8:30 AM
Dhamma Wheel

Express Saturday
Feb 18, 9:00 AM
UCC Campus

Annual Business Meeting
Feb 19, 12:00 PM

emPower Posi Music Fest
Feb 23-27
Tampa Marriott Westshore

Outdoor Meditation Retreat
Feb 25, 9:00 AM
Anderson Park, Shelter #9

Guest Speaker: Karen Drucker
Feb 26, 10:30 AM

Service Saturday
Mar 4, 9:00 AM
UCC Campus

Concert: Daniel Nahmod
Mar 24, 7:00 PM

New Member Meet n Greet
May 21, 12:00 PM
Peace Chapel

February Heart of the House - Vernon Howell
Vernon Howell, a native Floridian, was born just a few miles away at Morton Plant Hospital and grew up in Lakeland. A distinctive graduate of the University of Tampa, he was the oldest in his class of over 800, proving that it’s never too late to achieve academic goals put on hold.

Following a move to Charlottesville, VA, he enrolled in a Citizen, Scholar, Student of Writing program at the prestigious University of Virginia, but then returned to Florida where he earned his BLS (Bachelor of Liberal Studies) with a degree tract in intensive writing at the University of Tampa. It seems he was always destined to pursue a journalistic career, not only writing newspaper articles but also doing interviews for a radio station when only a teen.

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Prosperit-E-mail # 373

“Most human-relations problems would melt away if people would practice the healing power of release, instead of trying to make people over in a certain image, or trying to force them to do things in a certain way.

Nowhere is there more need for the expression of love as release than between husbands and wives, between parents and children. We often try to bend others to our will, calling it love when it is really selfish possessiveness that binds instead of frees. Then we wonder why others resist instead of accepting our ‘help.’”

(Catherine Ponder in The Prospering Power of Love [Unity School of Christianity, 1966]

Your Weekly Prosperity Affirmation:

2465 Nursery Rd, Clearwater, FL 33764, United States
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