Subject: What's Happening - Blessed Be - Weekly Affirmation

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This Sunday @ UCC:
Blessed Be - Sue Riley
Inspired by lyrics from Sue's “I Made Room for Grace.”

When I stumble, I won’t be defeated, since I make room for grace.

I stop resisting. I make room for grace.

I just step aside, open up a space, and make room for grace.

Now the blessings arrive every day, since I made room for grace.
Class: Christian Healing
Tuesdays (through June 14)
7:00 PM

Associate Minister, The Reverend Judy Tafelski, teaches Unity’s Foundational Text, Christian Healing!

Charles Fillmore (Cofounder of the Unity Movement) wrote Christian Healing in 1906:
“These are not simply lectures; they are, rather, lessons. They are not merely to be read; they are to be studied and applied as one studies and applies mathematical rules . . . . If you wish to heal yourself, talk to your mind and your body as you would talk to a patient.”

If the only thing you get from this class is that the God of your being lives in you and as you and wants you tro be happy and well, as you were created to be, then this is the class for you!

Available for credit in our UCC Prayer Chaplaincy program. Seven sessions, love offering basis, Tuesday evenings, 7-8:30 pm in the Café.
Concert: Daniel Nahmod
Mon, May 23
7:00 PM
Peace Chapel

Orange County, California-based Singer/Songwriter, Producer and Humanitarian Daniel Nahmod has performed his profound, heart-opening original music for over one million people in 45 U.S. states and Canada since beginning his music career in 1999… selling 100,000 CDs to date and receiving literally thousands of standing ovations along the way. His songs are recorded and performed all over the world on a weekly basis. Recent media appearances of Daniel’s music include NBC, FOX, CNN, CBS, PBS, E!, MTV, History, IFC, Bravo, and movie theaters across the United States.

Daniel’s poetic and evocative message of peace, love and compassion across all nations, cultures and faiths has found overwhelming acceptance wherever he has performed. He has been featured on numerous cable and radio broadcasts in over 90 countries; at cultural festivals, interfaith and environmental fairs, workshops and conferences, youth rallies, 9/11 services; and as a keynote musical presenter at benefits for such organizations as Habitat For Humanity, Operation USA, Achievable and Anti-Defamation League. Daniel has also performed for various U.S. governors and mayors, and for congressmen in Washington, D.C.
Vesak 2560 (Buddha's Birthday)
Sat, June 4
5:00 PM
Sanctuary & Café

All Are Welcome to the 2560 Buddha Birthday Celebration!

You are cordially invited to join us in this most auspicious interfaith observation of the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death (parinibbana).

This year’s event will be attended by Buddhist monks and leaders from a variety of spiritual traditions and will include:
  • Bathing of Baby Buddha
  • International Vegetarian
  • Dinner after the service
  • Dhamma Talk
  • Chanting for World Peace
  • Various performances
A $20 donation is requested to help support the DWMS.
This Week

Office Closed


WINGS Study Group
Tue, 11:30 AM

Class: Christian Healing
Tue, 7:00 PM

Teen Night
Wed, 6:00 PM
New World Room

Prayer & Meditation
Wed, 7:00 PM
Peace Chapel

Unity Singers
Wed, 7:00 PM

Women's NA Meeting
Wed, 7:30 PM
Peace Cottage

Tai Chi
Thur, 6:00 PM
Peace Cottage

AA Meeting
Thur, 7:30 PM
Peace Cottage

Service Saturday
Sat, 9:00 AM
UCC Campus

Coming Up

Half Hour Hebrew
May 19, 7:00 PM

Torah Study
May 19, 7:30 PM

Concert: Daniel Nahmod
May 23, 7:00 PM
Peace Chapel

Express Saturday
May 28, 9:00 AM
UCC Campus

Vesak: Buddha's Birthday
June 4, 5:00 PM
Sanctuary & Café

New Member Meet n Greet
June 5, 12:00 PM
Peace Chapel

Full Day Meditation Retreat
June 18, 8:30 AM
Dhamma Wheel

Guest Musician: John Stringer
June 19, 10:30 AM

Concert: John Stringer
June 21, 7:00 PM
Peace Chapel

The Gulf Oil Spill & UCC
The Gulf Oil Spill happened in April of 2010.

Slightly more than a year after, we found it necessary, as did the UU Church across the street, to return to one Sunday service after having had two services each Sunday for more than 30 years.

A few years ago, our Board of Directors at that time advised that a claim regarding BP Oil be filed with an attorney.

We do not know if there will be any results of that claim or not. But at this time, we are asking that if anyone here has been a supporter of this ministry for more than five years, and feels that his/her attendance, contributions, were impacted because his or her own finances were impacted, directly or indirectly, by the Gulf Oil Spill, s/he should definitely share the personal account with me or Russ in person, on the phone, or by mail or email asap. - - 727-531-0992
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Our dear members, Rick and Bob Preston contributed 3 lovely new crepe myrtle trees (spelling?) that Rick planted near Peace Pond for us and has been faithfully watering.

Our dear Board member, Mary MacKenzie, has been faithfully tending two phases of our butterfly gardens - one on the south side of the building and one to the west of the Peace Chapel. We are hosting many beautiful butterflies because of her efforts!

Thanks to our Youth of Unity for serving with our Welcome Team and Café Team! We appreciate you!

The Royal Unity Café Team -- Queen Pat and King John Crogan, will be planning their summer vacation and would welcome volunteers to cover Sundays while they are away. Thanks in advance for your help!

Thanks to Elizabeth Schmidt for contributing a 24' square canvas labyrinth for our Youth of Unity and UU Neighbors to use for special events. We are so very grateful!
Reiki Training
Invitation to Monthly Reiki Share for Reiki Level I & II Practitioners & Level III Master Teachers Only

Hosted by Brenda Griesheimer, Usui Reiki Master Teacher (7th level removed from the founder) trained and supported by Dr. Alison J. Kay, PhD, Usui Reiki Master Teacher (6th level removed from the founder)

Dr. Kay will help launch our Opening Reiki Share on Monday, May 23rd at 6 PM in the Peace Cottage.

RSVP for May 23rd and the third Monday of each month by calling Brenda 727-259-5240
Prosperit-E-mail # 334

“A doctor once showed me a medical book on psychosomatic illness. In this book a group of physicians had compiled their analyses of various illnesses and of the mental and emotional attitudes they felt caused these illnesses. I was amazed to see that in every analysis the need for love was listed.

For instance, in the case of stomach disorders of all types, one of the psychosomatic reasons given for such illness was ‘love needed.’ In the case of heart disorders, one of the reasons listed was ‘love needed.’

In the case of skin disorders, one of the reasons listed was ‘need for approval,’ which is a form of love. A bookkeeper stated that while experiencing a skin disorder she began a daily practice of placing her hands on her face and affirming, ‘DIVINE LOVE IS HEALING YOU NOW,’ and the skin disorder soon faded.

”In the case of [other disorders], one of the reasons listed was ‘insecurity and need for love.’ [In other cases, reasons listed were] . . . ‘a feeling of dissatisfaction with life and a need for love.’ . . . . ‘feelings of inferiority and need for love.’” (In all things, Love is the answer.)

(Catherine Ponder in The Prospering Power of Love [Unity School of Christianity, 1966]

Your Weekly Prosperity Affirmation:

2465 Nursery Rd, Clearwater, FL 33764, United States
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