Subject: What's Happening - Begin Again - Weekly Affirmation

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This Sunday @ UCC:
Begin Again - Leddy Hammock
I can feel a change is coming.

I have released the old year, and I am ready to begin again.

I can feel myself outgrowing this life I’ve been living in. So, by the power of my word of faith, I begin again.

I am now speaking into creation a good new year -- a good new life. I know I’m going to be all right. Lovingly,

I send forth my word of wisdom and faith and I begin again.
Treasure Mapping - The Law of Attraction in Action
Tue, Jan 10
12:00 PM

All are welcome to our popular, annual “Treasure Mapping” class.

This annual gathering is a great opportunity to begin the new year by visualizing the things you want to manifest in your life.

A treasure map pictures what we want. It has been called “pictured prayer.” Just as a road map indicates the way to a planned destination, a treasure map helps us get what we desire – healing, supply, a job, possessions, happiness. Physically, it is a piece of paper on which we have placed pictures of what we want with statements of faith. …

We think, and we form our world after the pattern of our thinking. A map helps us think right so that we can and do create what we want to experience. It keeps us close to God. It reminds us every time we look at it that we are one with God. … This is the wonderful part of treasure mapping.

What Should you Bring?

We’ll supply everything you need to create your treasure map, but we’ll gratefully receive any magazines you might wish to donate. Magazines and catalogs with lots of pictures are preferable

In preparation for the treasure mapping we would be grateful for any used magazines you can share with us. They can be dropped off during the week or on Sundays.
Refuge Recovery
Fridays Beginning January 6
6:00 PM
Peace Cottage

A Buddhist Path to Recovering from Addiction!

Refuge Recovery is a non-theistic, Buddhist-inspired approach to recovery from addictions of all kinds.

We are a community of people dedicated to the practices of mindfulness, compassion, forgiveness, and generosity, using meditation and kindness to heal the pain and suffering that addiction has caused in our lives and in the lives of those around us.

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Concert: Brother Sun
Mon, Jan 23
7:00 PM
UU Clearwater

National Touring Artists Joe Jencks, Greg Greenway and Pat Wictor have made their mark as veteran touring singer-songwriters, but Brother Sun is no songwriter's round. The trio's harmonies, as much as their lyrics, tell what they are about: warm as a campfire, stirring as a gospel church, rousing as a call to arms. Fusing folk, Americana, blues, pop, jazz, rock, and a cappella singing, Brother Sun is an explosion of musical diversity and harmony, in the finest of male singing traditions.

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This Week
Office Closed

WINGS Book Study Group
Tue, 11:30 AM

Prayer & Meditation Service
Wed, 7:00 PM
Peace Chapel

Tai Chi
Thur, 6:00 PM
Peace Cottage

Half Hour Hebrew
Thur, 7:00 PM

Torah Study
Thur, 7:30 PM

AA Meeting
Thur, 7:30 PM
Peace Cottage

Refuge Recovery
Fri, 6:00 PM
Peace Cottage

Service Saturday
Sat, 9:00 AM
UCC Campus

Coming Up
Treasure Mapping
Jan 10, 12:00 PM

Unity Singers Rehearsal
Jan 11, 7:00 PM

Prosperity Class
Jan 17, 7:00 PM

Express Saturday
Jan 21, 9:00 AM
UCC Campus

Concert: Brother Sun
Jan 23, 7:00 PM
UU Clearwater

New Member Meet n Greet
Feb 5, 12:00 PM
Peace Chapel

Annual Business Meeting
Feb 19, 12:00 PM

emPower Posi Music Fest
Feb 23-27
Tampa Marriott Westshore

January Heart of the House - Ed Marinacci
As a member of a Sunday New Thought class conducted at Peace Chapel, Ed Marinacci, participating in a Meditation Walk around the grounds, noted the natural beauty of Unity’s Peace Garden. That was his introduction to UCC—from the outside. Later, when he came inside for a holiday candlelight service, what an epiphany!

Today, Ed, who will be welcomed next month as a new member of Unity’s Board of Directors, tends the Peace Garden that he once admired. In the nearly three years since he first came to UCC, he has eagerly assimilated into volunteer activities, serving as a Meetup organizer and attending a variety of classes, seldom missing the Rev. Judy Tafelski’s Wednesday evening prayer meditation service.

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Prosperit-E-mail # 368

“Love works in varied ways to produce right results, when it is recognized and called forth in a situation. As you begin to think more about how you can love your way through life, rather than about how you have to battle your way through life, love will reveal to you its secret success powers. Launch forth on the great venture of love, and affirm often along the way: ‘I live by the law of love, and love is now victorious.’ This one thought can win many a battle in your life.”

(Catherine Ponder in The Prospering Power of Love [Unity School of Christianity, 1966]

Your Weekly Prosperity Affirmation:

2465 Nursery Rd, Clearwater, FL 33764, United States
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