Subject: WINGed Words

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WINGS Book Study Group (Zoom): Tue, 12:00 PM
Practical Metaphysics Class (Zoom): Tue, 7:00 PM
Wednesday "Faith Lift" Meditation: 7:00 PM
Table Talk Thursday (Zoom): 12:00 PM
Exodus Class (Zoom): Thur, 3:00 PM
Sunday Service (At UCC): 11:00 AM
WINGed Words
The Reverend Cynthia Mackey, UCC Minister of Education
Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week and feeling the freedom that comes with vaccination and greater opportunity for moving about. At the Mackey home this weekend, we celebrated, my husband, Mike’s birthday. In our family, birthday celebrations are usually multi-day events. So, we began last Thursday with a wonderful evening of Jazz on the Beach – sponsored by the Clearwater Jazz Holiday at Winter’s Beach Club on Clearwater Beach. As I sat on my socially distanced beach chair, with the setting sun, cool breeze and sounds of the Santana tribute band “Moonflower” playing on stage, I felt so blessed! I felt blessed to be vaccinated, to be on the beach, to be around other folks without concern and to be experiencing something very local and unique to where we live. I felt blessed to be doing something I might have at one time taken for granted – going to a concert, favorite restaurant, vacation or going to church. So many things I will never take for granted again since they can be taken away overnight! I, also, felt blessed to be a part of my community and my church family and for all the opportunities God has given me.

However, much of it started approximately thirty years ago when I was introduced to Unity ideas through the book, Sermon on the Mount by Emmet Fox. Then, I had the opportunity to attend a wedding at Unity Church of Clearwater and then was introduced to the Sunday services at UCC. From there, I continued reading Unity literature suggested to me by several of our church’s leaders and finally began taking classes which led me to becoming a UCC Certified Truth Teacher and more recently being ordained as the Minister of Education at Unity Church of Clearwater. Along the way, I have had the opportunity to write children’s lessons for our Youth Ministry based on our Senior Minister, The Reverend Doctor Leddy Hammock’s weekly lessons and I was offered the privilege of leading the WINGS Book Study on Tuesdays. That has been a great blessing to me. I have learned so much by going through the literature with a “fine tooth comb” and from the wonderful thoughts and questions shared by the group members that have gathered in our café and more recently on Zoom.

Now, beginning on Tuesday June 1st,? we will be reading the book Spiritual Economics by Eric Butterworth in person in the UCC Café at 12:00. We will not be sharing refreshments at first, so please bring your own if you will be hungry and thirsty and we will sit socially distanced at first as well. But, I hope all who are able will join us. We will also have books for sale, so don’t worry if you don’t have one. I always recommend getting your own book so you can mark it up!

The book we are about to study is about “true prosperity.” In the Introduction, Eric Butterworth states that the word prosperity comes from the Latin root which translated literally means, “according to hope” or “to go forward hopefully.” “Thus, it is not so much a condition in life as it is an attitude toward life.”He purposely tells us, “Prosperity is a way of living and thinking and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking and not just a lack of money or things.” So, as with everything we talk about, it finally boils down to my thinking! If I want different results in my life, then I need different thoughts. How do I get those? I get them by reading and learning, at least that is the way it has worked for me.

I have also thoroughly enjoyed writing this weekly essay and so appreciate the folks who have written to me or stopped me in the store to express their appreciation. I will continue to write it, but now on a monthly basis rather than a weekly basis. As many of you know, my family and I love to travel, and my husband is planning to leave his regular job on June 30 (we do not use the term “retire,” since we love to be busy and of service). So, we are planning to resume our travels and have several things in the planning. However, I will be at Unity Church of Clearwater this coming Sunday to greet those of you who come to “in person” church and will greet those of you on Zoom from the platform with the reading of the Daily Word.

Thank you all for being a true lifeline to me and to each other for this very long year! I hope you are all getting vaccinated. Science is Divine Mind in Action and, in this case, it is our path to the freedom of movement we all love!!!

Peace, Love and Prosperity,
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