Subject: WINGed Words

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WINGS Book Study Group (Zoom): Tue, 12:00 PM
Practical Metaphysics Class (Zoom): Tue, 7:00 PM
Wednesday "Faith Lift" Meditation: 7:00 PM
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Sunday Social (Zoom): 12:00 PM
WINGed Words
The Reverend Cynthia Mackey, UCC Minister of Education
Hi, Everyone!

This week I am thinking about Earth Day and the beauty of our beloved planet that I have observed as I have traveled to many corners of it. Leddy gave a wonderful message on Sunday about Earth Day and ways we can honor our precious mother Earth – the Big Blue Marble – as it became known, after we were actually able to see our planet from space. I have had a photo of the Earth on my bedroom wall for many years since then.

I have always been a recycler of aluminum and paper ever since recycling began in the 70’s or 80’s and later I would return my plastic grocery bags when they came out, but that was about it. Then in 2018, we went to France. While spending a few days in Paris prior to our river trip up the Seine, I noticed there were no sodas in aluminum cans – no aluminum cans anywhere, no plastic, no Styrofoam – only glass returnable bottles and degradable paper food carriers. Also, there were no plastic cups or grocery bags, only cloth reusable bags. Hmm. Then we began our trip up one of the busiest rivers in the world (the Seine River from Paris to the heart of Normandy, Rouen, France), a place where in the US one might expect to see the banks strewn with fast food cups, plastic bottles and containers and the dreaded Styrofoam. There was none. None! The riverbanks were clean and clear. I must tell you that I was forever changed by the clean riverbanks and the trips through the French countryside with litter-less roadsides. In short, I came home and began recycling everything I possibly could, and the back seat of my car now has a stack of reusable grocery bags that I use every week. I even discovered through an article in the Tampa Bay Times not long ago that if you put your cans or any recycling material in a plastic draw string bag and tighten the top, the recycling it will be rejected at the recovery plant. So, open those bags before you put them in the bin!

Okay, dear readers: so, what does this have to do with our spiritual journey? “Much!” I would respond. As I often tell those who attend our WINGS Book Study, the prayers of one person can change so much more than we can ever know. Like ripples in a pond when we drop in a pebble, we do not know what distant shore will be touched by our wave. This is true of our acts of love and kindness toward each other and toward our Mother Earth. One plastic bottle recycled is one less that finds its way to the ocean for removal by the 4Oceans group or others, one dollar sent to a group that cleans our oceans or land can do more than we know.

I will go so far as to say that I think caring for our earth and properly disposing of any used products is a part of being in the prosperity flow. In Charles Fillmore’s book, Prosperity, he has a chapter titled “Right Giving, the Key to Right Receiving.” In that chapter, Fillmore states that there is a law of giving and receiving; it is a law of mind action. He says that “Jesus stands out prominently, because [this law] can be practically applied to the affairs of everyday life. It is not only practical but ethical.” We usually think of prosperity laws applying to things like tithing and receiving perhaps financial security, and all that is true. But, if the goal of prosperity is to be in the flow, then we can extrapolate that we must properly dispose of articles no longer of use by recycling everything we can. That includes many of the items mentioned above, but can also include other articles of clothing or household goods no longer used.

Thank you for reading this week’s essay! Though I sometimes grumble when I am having a difficult time thinking of a topic, I must admit I enjoy communicating with all of you each week. However, next week, WING-ed Words will be in hiatus. My husband and I, both fully vaccinated, are taking the bold step to enjoy our annual beach weekend on St. Pete Beach. It was an annual affair until last year when it was, of course, cancelled. I intend to sip coffee on my balcony in the morning and enjoy the sea air and beach sunsets. It is not a trip across the world, but it is one small step toward normalcy! I am sure I will take some photos to include in a future weekly message. So, I will see you in two weeks; stay well and take the opportunity to get vaccinated. It is our key to our real return to freedom!
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Love, Peace and in the Flow

This week’s photos are of the “Big Blue Marble” similar to the one that hangs in my bedroom. I wish I could say I took it while traveling through space, but, alas, we have NASA to thank. The other three are of the super clean riverbank of the Seine River in northern France that my husband, Mike, took on our 2018 trip.
Your Weekly Affirmation:



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