Subject: WINGed Words

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WINGed Words
The Reverend Cynthia Mackey, UCC Minister of Education
Hi, Everyone!

Recently, my Google Photos popped up a montage of interior shots I had taken inside of churches around the world and titled it “Quiet Places.” That made me stop and think about spending time in the “Silence.” The idea of spending time in the “Silence” is not unique to Unity, but is a principle taught by Unity that is mentioned in many places in our literature. Basically, because the Gospels often reference Jesus going out alone to commune with God and Jesus, Himself, references “the secret place of the most high” and encourages us to pray in secret, that we may be rewarded openly by the Father who loves us.

So, as I often do I look to the Daily Word for inspiration and the reading for March 27, 2021 was titled Tranquility. The affirmation is “Tranquility places me in harmony with the universe.” The reading begins by asking us to make time to pause with purpose and intention to “create a space for deep, restorative calm.” The reading continues to explain how moving our awareness from the outside to our inside is necessary for time in the Silence. We can focus on our breathing or begin with quiet prayer to center ourselves.

I believe spending time in the Silence or the Secret Place of the Most High is absolutely necessary for the progress of our spiritual journey. However, dear readers you may be saying that this is so difficult. Our world is filled with noise and visual distraction. Oh, that is so true. This time set aside requires us to turn off the TV and put down the phones and then most difficult of all quiet our thoughts. Dr. H. Emilie Cady has some tips for us in her book, Lessons in Truth in the chapter titled “Finding the Secret Place.” She begins the chapter by discussing “how to seek the Secret Place - where to find it – how to abide in it - these are questions that today, more than at any other time in the history of the world, are engaging the hearts of [people].” Hmm, that is quite astounding, because she could have written that yesterday instead of in 1894. It shows me that what is true is true and remains so throughout time. She continues throughout the chapter to give us ideas on how to “sit in the Silence.” Cady tells us we cannot be anxious or worried or in a hurry; we must let that go. She says that we hear much about “sitting in the Silence,” but, to many, it does not mean much because they have not learned to wait upon God or to hear any voice but external ones. Noise belongs to the outside world not to God. God works in the stillness. So, we must wait upon God in the stillness of our being, for the still, small voice that carries the Truth of our being!

I realize that finding quiet, stillness, and moments of communing with God may not be easy, especially when any of us first take it on. However, it can be done with practice, commitment, and consistency. I recommend making the commitment to begin with very small steps. Setting aside a short period of time at first, beginning with prayer and slowly increasing the time. Any amount of time is helpful and well worthwhile. You will begin to see results and that will encourage you to continue. If at first, it is only a minute or two before thoughts begin to intrude, do not give up. Practice, practice, practice, brings about results and Jesus promised us that we would “bear fruit.”

I hope all of you will give this a try in some way that feels right to you and of course, I recommend reading all of Dr. Cady’s Tenth Lesson, “Finding the Secret Place.”
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Peace, Love and Stillness,

Today’s photos are of the interior of several of those churches I mentioned above as well as a couple of others that to me represent the “stillness” and the “Silence. Enjoy! The first is of the interior of St. Catherine’s Church in Honfleur, France. It is France’s largest timber-built church, constructed in the 15th century. The second is the interior of the Cathedral de Notre Dame in Rouen, France, which began construction in 1030, was badly damaged during WWII and is still under repair. The third photo is of the still water in Monet’s garden in Giverny and the last is the still water in the Aalesund Fjord in Norway!
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