Subject: WINGed Words

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WINGed Words
The Reverend Cynthia Mackey, UCC Minister of Education
Hi, Everyone!

I hope everyone had a wonderful week and a Happy St. Patrick’s Day! At the Mackey’s we had a delicious, corned beef and cabbage dinner. Each year when we eat it, I say, “Why don’t we do this more often? It is so good!”

Well, this week, I am still thinking about Spring. Last Saturday was the Vernal Equinox and the clocks have changed and our evening walks are back (well, okay, sporadically, anyway, LOL!). Some of you may remember last Fall when I was talking about the fact that even though Florida does not have the dramatic season changes, those of us who have lived here a long time can still detect the beautiful changes of each season. Well, it is the same for Spring. (Okay, the coating of yellow pollen on your car is not that subtle.) However, besides that, many of the bushes that are green all year now have flowers on them and of course the oak trees are dropping their “wormy looking” seed pods everywhere.

Spring makes me think of awakening and abundance. Awakening and abundance makes me think of prosperity. Leddy had a wonderful lesson on prosperity last Sunday! Daily Word magazine also had a great reading on the topic of prosperity on March 12. The reading really emphasizes the idea that my thinking is what really matters. However, my thinking and what I see around me can co-interact to produce a cycle of prosperous thinking. The reading states, “When I think prosperous thoughts, I see evidence for prosperity all around me.” Then I become more grateful; as I become grateful, I focus more on the good in my life and, therefore, I discover even more good! It builds on itself. The final statement of the reading is a great affirmation! “With God as my Source, I am prosperous!”

Of course, the topic of prosperity is covered in many Unity books. We look to Jesus, Himself, as our original prosperity Teacher. He not only told us that God wants us to prosper, but also demonstrated that principle on several occasions. One of the best known is the story of feeding the multitudes, which Leddy so beautifully explained in Sunday’s lesson. So, I just want to emphasize a few ideas on applying those prosperity principles to our daily lives. A great source of practical prosperity ideas is Eric Butterworth’s book Spiritual Economics. In that book, Butterworth has a chapter titled, The Law of Visualization. In that chapter, he discusses the phenomena of sight. We know how the physical process of sight works by light projecting an image on our retina etc., but he goes further to explain that what we actually see is based on our experience. Butterworth says, “You see things, not as they are, but as you are. Your perception is shaped according to your previous experiences, according to your faith, according to where you are in consciousness.” I suspect we have all had the experience of looking at a piece of art along with someone else and seeing different things or watching a movie and coming out with a unique impression, based on our own life experience. What we see outside ourselves is based on how we think. So, if we want to see something different, we need to change the lens through which we view the world. How do we do that? By changing our thinking. How do we do that? One way is to change our thinking toward gratitude. If we begin to see the world with a grateful heart, we will see the good in our lives and, by extension, in the world. We can also spend time in the “Secret Place of the Most High,” holding the vision of oneness with God!

There is much to be grateful for. Our extended family is on the way to be fully vaccinated and more and more of our friends report getting the “jab” as the Brits say. Spring is coming and the wonders of nature are all around us. So, I hope you can go outside and enjoy the beauty all around us and I hope you will strongly consider getting vaccinated when your opportunity comes it is our key to freedom and togetherness!
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Love, Peace, and Prosperity

Today’s photos come from my latest “walkabout” in my neighborhood. The first three are of flowering bushes that don’t usually have flowers on them and the last is the ever-returning Spring hazard (challenge?) – seed pods from the oak trees!
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