Subject: WINGed Words

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Sunday Social (Zoom): 12:00 PM
WINGed Words
Hi Everyone,

Here we are on the second day of March, approximately one year after the strange year of the pandemic began. I have a lot of thoughts this week! More and more folks are getting vaccinated, spring is showing itself (if you don’t believe it, look at the pollen on our cars!). We are beginning the third week of Lent and last Sunday, I had my ordination as the Minister of Education for Unity Church of Clearwater! So, where do we start?

I wanted to write a little this week about Lent, since I have not mentioned it this year. As Leddy mentioned on Sunday, Lent is not in the Bible, it is a “church institution” initiated by the Catholic Church and most rigorously practiced by Catholics today. But there is a place for us Unity folks to look at the idea of “fasting” from negative thought. Since this is a Universe of thought, what we think is what really matters. Jesus did emphasize the idea of prayer and fasting. So, during this time leading up to Easter, we can be more mindful of our thoughts and practice some discipline over them.

The publishers of Unity books felt that Charles Fillmore’s thoughts about this topic were important enough to be gathered into the volume, Keep a True Lent in 1953, only five years after Charles Fillmore’s transition.* In the Forward to the book, written by Georgiana Tree West, there is a good explanation as to how those of us interested in seeing the idea of Lent as something larger than giving up chocolate or chips might view the spiritual understanding of practicing a period of prayer and fasting. Jesus taught His disciples to follow this way of prayer and fasting as a “sure way to spiritual power, the way to keep the soul cleansed and purified that it may feel the presence of God,” according to West. She said we must learn to “fast from all unworthy thought . . . . To observe Lent according to the spirit rather than the letter, we must fast from criticism and condemnation . . . . fast from false beliefs in sickness and weakness . . . . fast from false beliefs in lack and limitation.”

Charles Fillmore’s inspiring messages are included in this book as daily thoughts for each of the forty days from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. Today’s message is on the spiritual faculty of Will. I found some good ideas in there, as well. Filmore says that the will is the executive power of the mind, but the proper use of the will is what needs practice. Aligning our will with God’s will is how we can abide in the “Kingdom of Heaven.” However, to enter into and abide in heaven, or divine harmony, we must be willing to surrender our will to God’s will. These ideas are simple, but not necessarily easy. This surrender takes practice and time in the Silence, praying and fasting from negative thinking. There is much more to explore in this time of preparation for the joy of Easter and I would recommend taking a look at the book, Keep a True Lent.

*”PUBLISHER’s NOTE—Some Unity students will note that they have previously read some of the material in ‘Keep A True Lent.’ Some of the material in this book originally appeared in Unity magazine and portions of it may be found in other books by Charles Fillmore. The material was assembled in this manner in order that this book would offer the read a well-rounded course of study during Lent.”

(Take a look at for access to classic Unity materials, like this great book!)

Lastly, I would like to take a moment of personal privilege to thank all of my wonderful teachers and mentors as well as the authors of all of the Unity books I have studied along the way to bring me to the moment of my ordination as the Minister of Education at Unity Church of Clearwater last Sunday. I was honored and humbled and I know I have so much yet to learn. However, I am a teacher at heart and when I teach all of you, I learn. All my classmates and Wing Mates over the years as well as my Youth Ministry students have challenged me to grow spiritually to expand my understanding and to share what I know and what I still need to learn. So, thank you to all of you, and of course to The Reverend Doctor Leddy Hammock and The Reverend Judy Tafelski for encouraging me, teaching me and challenging me to this place!
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Peace, Love and Continued Growth,

Todays photos are of me and my family last Sunday on my very special day!!
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