Subject: WINGed Words

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Movie Discussion Group (Zoom): Mon, 2:00 PM
WINGS Book Study Group (Zoom): Tue, 12:00 PM
Wednesday "Faith Lift" Meditation: 7:00 PM
Table Talk Thursday (Zoom): 12:00 PM
Exodus Class (Zoom): Thur, 3:00 PM
Sunday Service: 10:45 AM
Sunday Social (Zoom): 12:00 PM
WINGed Words
Hi Everyone,

This week I am feeling very optimistic! It appears that we are quickly moving forward with the vaccine distribution and I hear of more and more folks getting appointments. The reported cases of Corona Virus are falling, and it sounds as though the number of folks who qualify for vaccinations will soon be expanded. All this information contributes to my feelings of optimism.

Optimism leads me to think about prosperity principles. Last Friday, the Daily Word reading was on the topic of prosperity. I really liked the affirmation because it reminded me that I am a participant in the expansion of my prosperity. The affirmation states, “I create space for prosperous living.” “If I want to welcome something in my life, I need to create conditions necessary for it to manifest.” Again, this all goes back to my thinking. I cannot think about lack and expect abundance. I cannot push people away and be unwilling to accept compliments or assistance and expect to have more fulfilling relationships. I cannot be ungrateful for what I have and expect to receive more. I cannot be miserly in my giving while expecting the Universe to give abundantly.

There are several wonderful Unity books written on this topic. One that comes to my mind is Prosperity by Charles Fillmore. In this book, he goes through the principles of prosperity quite thoroughly. In Lesson Four, “Man the Inlet and Outlet of Divine Mind,” he explains that there are laws that govern prosperity and that all happenings are a result of cause and effect. That the miracles performed by Jesus described in the Bible are really controlled by laws and when we perceive them as miracles, it is because they result from causes, we have yet to understand. But that does not mean the cause is not there. Fillmore states, “Man does not demonstrate according to the law but according to his knowledge of the law.” That is a powerful statement and, at least for this Truth student, it is strong motivation to continue to expand my knowledge of God’s changeless law. The formula is simple, but the action is not always easy. We receive many messages from our culture and from our families and friends that work in the opposite direction. But God’s will for us is good and only good. So, if we want more good in the form of health, happiness, opportunity, fulfilling relationships and a purposeful life, we must practice discipline to invite those thoughts and intentions into our life and act accordingly.

God has bestowed upon each of us the power of Divine Mind and Divine Mind does not recognize negativity and lack. Those ideas only have the power we give them. If you are having difficulty with this idea, Charles Fillmore offers a prayer “I am a child of the absolute good. God is good, and I am good. Everything that comes into my life is good, and I am going to have only the good.” Say this prayer often until it seeps into your consciousness.

I know, my dear Wing Mates, that we can turn on the TV or open a newspaper (probably an app, since they are being printed less and less) and see what appears to be evidence to the contrary of all good. But remember, we only see as if through a “pinhole camera.” There is so much more of God’s Universe that we are yet to understand. So, instead of trying constantly to put your new ideas of good into “old wineskins” (ways of thinking), trust your prayers! Ask God for the vision to see “rightly” and more understanding will slowly or sometimes quickly come!

I miss all of you, but I am optimistic that the time we must be apart is growing shorter and shorter!
If you'd like to join us on Zoom, the login info is:

Meeting ID: 810 0709 2426
Passcode: 865284

Peace, Love and Prosperity,

Today’s photos are of the Second Annual WINGS Christmas Potluck Extravaganza in 2019. We were not able to meet for this great occasion in 2020, but I hold in consciousness that we will be meeting for it in 2021. I know we are all looking forward to being together for these kinds of gatherings again! Believe with me!
Your Weekly Affirmation:



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