Subject: WINGed Words

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WINGS Book Study Group (Zoom): Tue, 12:00 PM
Wednesday "Faith Lift" Meditation: 7:00 PM
Table Talk Thursday (Zoom): 12:00 PM
Sunday Service: 10:45 AM
Sunday Social (Zoom): 12:00 PM
WINGed Words
Hi Everyone,

I am back! Happy, Happy New Year to all! I am not sure that very many folks who were sad to see 2020 go by the wayside. There is much hope for 2021, but, for the present moment, not much has changed. We are still advised to follow the Covid-19 protocols that have been in effect for many months. As a matter of fact, they are most likely more important than ever now. The comfort we can take is that we have less time ahead of us for these restrictions than we have behind us!

Just as the Daily Word reading for New Year’s Day reminded us that we are free to make a fresh start any time, every moment offers an opportunity for a new beginning and as we continue to seek to live more fully from our Divine selves – from our place of love – we can push the re-set button any time we get off track, lose patience, or think selfishly. I am pronouncing 2021 as the year of solutions! Feel free to join me in focusing on the solutions in our lives rather than the problems. 2020 gave us many opportunities to focus on the problems, so let us turn that around in 2021!

So, how do we go about living in the solution rather than in the problem? Well, as you probably know about me by now, my first thought is to look to our Unity teachers and what better place to start than with Charles Fillmore. Fillmore reminds us in Lesson 2 of his book Prosperity (1936), that everything that appears in the Universe has its origin in mind. He says, “Ideas generate thought currents, as a fire under a boiler generates steam. The idea is the most important factor in every act and must be given first place in our attention if we would bring about any results of a permanent character.” That tells me that if I want to move from the problem to the solution, I must change my mind, thereby giving myself the opportunity to develop new ideas which, if I am diligent about applying through the lens of wisdom and love, will lead me to my heart’s desire, which of course will be the solution!

These ideas are so beautiful in their simplicity. Yet, sometimes it can seem so difficult to get to that place when we have the noise of popular culture telling us that in order for us to be happy, we need so many outer things. In truth, we need the inner peace brought about through study, prayer, meditation, and time in the silence to receive the perspective to manifest all that we need for the solution to any problem.

My experience has shown me that when I get to that place where I have stopped resisting the solution by complaining and focusing on the problem or denying and wishing it away, the answer appears right in front of me and if I take action everything will fall into place. There is, of course, much more that could be said on this topic than I cannot cover in this brief essay, but hopefully, I have shown you a direction that may be helpful!

I still miss all of you! I believe we will all be together again in our Church home in 2021!
If you'd like to join us on Zoom, the login info is:

Meeting ID: 810 0709 2426
Passcode: 865284

Peace, Love and Solutions!

Today’s photo is one I recently took of one of my favorite birds that often hang around our neighborhood. I think he was waiting for a special delivery solution for 2021!
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