Subject: WINGed Words

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WINGS Book Study Group: Tue, 12:00 PM
Wednesday "Faith Lift" Meditation: 7:00 PM
Table Talk Thursday (Zoom): 12:00 PM
Exodus Class (Zoom): Thur, 3:00 PM
Sunday Service: 10:45 AM
Sunday Social (Zoom): 12:00 PM
WINGed Words
Hi, Everyone!

I feel like everyone may be feeling pandemic fatigue. Another holiday looms on the horizon and we are still isolating and socially distancing from one another and not traveling to see loved ones or family members or just for the pleasure of traveling. As many of you know, my family and I love to travel and every Thanksgiving since 2014 we have selected a place in the US to go to and explore for the full week of Thanksgiving. This year, of course, we are staying home and I have mixed feelings about it. I miss the excitement of planning the trip and the anticipation of the fun and adventure we will have. However, I am starkly reminded by the scientists that staying put will at least give a good chance we will be able to move about more freely next year and that we will all be healthy and well to do it.

This brings me to my thoughts for this week about the idea of Divine Order. It reminds me of the Daily Word reading for last Saturday on Divine Order. That is a real favorite topic of mine, as it puts me in the right frame of thinking. The idea of Divine Order reminds me that there is always a perfect Divine Order to everything. The reading states, “Beyond my human understanding there is a perfect order to all things in the universe.” The reading further states that, “At times, the world and its affairs may seem chaotic, but I remember that God is in all things.” Everything is unfolding in its way and in its time. This is difficult to accept when things do not seem to be going my way or when situations in my life seem out of control. However, it helps me put things in perspective, also. The frustration of my plans is really small when compared to real world suffering that some folks are facing and I affirm healing and recovery for those who are struggling and experiencing emotional, physical or spiritual pain.

The idea of Divine Order also gets me out of the future and out of the past and puts me in the here and now. I am reminded that each day is a new day and that maintaining a fit spiritual attitude takes daily practice just like a fit body requires daily fitness activities. The best way for me to maintain that spiritual fitness is through prayer and meditation on a daily basis. I can repeat affirmations and denials and practice calm mindfulness. As I lift my consciousness, I realize that no matter how difficult or painful things appear today, I can draw on the power of God, the power of Divine Order to liberate me from any darkness I feel around me.

Trusting in Divine Order is also a way of affirming patience without asking for patience--because you know that if we pray for patience we get many opportunities to be patient and usually that is not what we are looking for. So, affirming Divine Order allows me to allow all things to be in their perfect place and perfect timing!

I will end with an affirmation by Cora Fillmore, Charles Fillmore’s second wife (after Myrtle’s passing), “The law of Divine Order and harmony is satisfied in me and I behold myself a tower of spiritual strength and stability.”

I miss all of you and see you well and patiently waiting for the end of this pandemic, while wearing your mask and remaining socially distanced until the scientists tell us it is okay to go back to being together!

Until then, you can always join me and many others who gather on zoom every Tuesday at 12:00 noon, socially distanced and unmasked (because we are at home, lol) for the Wings Book Study.
If you'd like to join us on Zoom, the login info is:

Meeting ID: 810 0709 2426
Passcode: 865284

Peace, Love and Divine Order

In my view, there is nothing that represents Divine Order more than the sunrise and the sunset and the moving of the tides. God never gets in a hurry and makes the earth speed up or slow down. God never slows the tides down or speeds them up. It all moves in a perfect rhythm of life and of the Universe!

Today’s first photo is the sunset over the rim of the crater of the Haleakala Volcano in Maui, Hawaii, that I took in 2017 when I visited. It is freezing at the top of the rim! The second photo is of the sunset at Clearwater Beach with the receding tide. The last photo shown here is the sunrise over the island of Cuba that I also was fortunate to visit in that brief window of time when Americans were allowed to go there!
Your Weekly Affirmation:



2465 Nursery Rd, Clearwater, FL 33764, United States
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