Subject: WINGed Words

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WINGS Book Study Group: Tue, 12:00 PM
Lessons in Truth Class (Zoom): Tue, 7:00 PM
Wednesday "Faith Lift" Meditation: 7:00 PM
Table Talk Thursday (Zoom): 12:00 PM
Exodus Class (Zoom): Thur, 3:00 PM
Sunday Service: 10:45 AM
Sunday Social (Zoom): 12:00 PM
WINGed Words
Hi, Everyone!

I really enjoyed Leddy’s great message on Sunday on letting go. Ironically, I was thinking of writing about letting go this week, so, I think I will continue the theme. It was a rather tension-filled week last week and I am so proud of our country‘s voters for casting more votes than ever before! However, our instant gratification world was so impatient! This will require a lot of letting go on our part. The Daily Word for November 6 said it very well: “When something is beyond my control . . . the most productive thing I can do is let it go.” There is a well-known saying – “Let go, let God and do the dishes,” but my wing mates who know me well know that I do not find washing the dishes relaxing! However, folding clothes, I do find relaxing! This is why just about anything that could be folded in our dwelling was folded in those couple of days. Princess, our cat, had to keep moving, lest she be folded into a towel and find herself stuck in the linen closet. LOL!

Anyway, the concept of letting go and letting God is not one just to be applied to national days of “waiting,” but can be applied to any situations we find challenging and we don’t know what to do about it. Usually, some kind of resistance has come into play. Some of us resist change, some of us resist rules, some of us resist learning new ideas. Whatever the resistance may be, we subconsciously view the thing we are resisting as “evil.” I know we rarely use a word such as “evil” in Unity and one of the only places I have seen it discussed to any degree is in two separate Unity books but from two authors who were presenting the ideas of Jesus on the topic of resistance. Emmet Fox has a chapter in the Sermon on the Mount titled Resist not Evil and Eric Butterworth has a chapter in Discover the Power Within You entitled “The Law of Non-Resistance.” In Fox’s book on page 75, he says that this doctrine of “resist not evil” is the great metaphysical secret. Let’s not get caught up in the definition of “evil” and, for this moment, let it suffice to represent any thoughts or situations that are bringing us pain, suffering, grief, anger or frustration of any kind. Let’s discern that the more pressure we bring against those thoughts or situations, the worse they become. “Antagonize any situation and you give it power against yourself; offer mental non-resistance and it crumbles away in front of you.”

Of course, it is easy to speak these ideas and much more challenging actually to put them into practice. One of the ways I have found is to go back to the idea of “Let go let God and do the dishes.” That tells me that I must substitute ruminating thoughts about the situation that is bothering me and start thinking of something else towards a positive outcome. We cannot tell ourselves not to think about something or let go of something into a vacuum. So, this is where our affirmations and denials can come in. Emilie Cady tells us in Lessons in Truth about the power of affirmation and denial. The next time you are faced with a situation you cannot control, or which is challenging your serenity and peace of mind, come up with some simple affirmations or denials or perhaps use both together. These statements can be like the ones I made to myself while folding all of those clothes: “Love over hate, faith over fear, truth over lies, order out of chaos.” The more I spoke them to myself, the calmer I became until I could let it all go!

Opportunities for letting go may come large and small in our lives, but the formula for peace of mind can be found in the simple actions of doing methodical tasks, repeating prayerful affirmations and denials and seeking that deep peace that passes all understanding!

Until next time, stay well, wear your mask and love one another! Also, of course, join us for the Zoom Wings Book Study every Tuesday at 12:00 noon. We are reading the Emmet Fox book I referred to above.
If you'd like to join us on Zoom, the login info is:

Meeting ID: 810 0709 2426
Passcode: 865284

Peace, Love and Letting go!

Today’s photos come from my helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon that I took when we visited Sedona, Arizona, and Grand Canyon National Park. The vastness of the landscape humbles me and reminds me just how big our country is, our world is, and God is - way bigger than me! I just let go and flew over the vastness!
Your Weekly Affirmation:



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