Subject: WINGed Words

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Wednesday "Faith Lift" Meditation: 7:00 PM
Lessons in Truth Class (Zoom): 7:00 PM
Table Talk Thursday (Zoom): 12:00 PM
Sunday Service: 10:45 AM
Sunday Social (Zoom): 12:00 PM
WINGed Words
Hi, Everyone!

Well, this week I am entering totally new territory for me. By the time you read this, I will have plunged headfirst into the year 2020. I think I am just in time, as this is the tenth month of the strangest year I have experienced in my lifetime. I am taking on Zoom. Some of you may laugh as you have been zooming along for these many months of isolation, but for me it was a big step.

I took a lot of comfort in Sunday’s Daily Word reading. It was titled “Fearless,” and the affirmation reads “I am fearless as I live authentically.” The first paragraph talks about hiding our light and being afraid of what others may think, therefore not letting our light shine. I could relate, as it has taken me a considerable amount of time to reach a place of being a confident and authentic person, many years in fact. Most of the time, I think I am doing quite well with that until I am faced with doing something new. When that happens, I must rely on the second part of the reading where I have to make a choice to live fearlessly, drawing on faith, believing in myself, my divinity, and my imagination to envision the very best outcomes.

These ideas are true, no matter what the situation may be. During this pandemic, many folks have lost their jobs; whether these roles were be fulltime, part time, or volunteer, they were important to all of us. So, stepping out into new territory and trusting God as our Source lead me to a favorite Unity book by Eric Butterworth, Spiritual Economics and especially to Chapter 4, “If You Can Believe.” In this chapter, he reminds us that God is not a “Big Man up there” but the Power and Presence everywhere and always. “God is the transcendent whole of things of which you are an individualized part.” This means that in each of us, equally, is centered the whole of all we need to know, do, and be. So, therefore, if we center ourselves in the creative flow, all is possible. That certainly removes the “I can’ts.” However, just because all the knowledge and power we will ever require is available to us does not mean we instantly recognize how to access it. Butterworth provides some ideas. He says that faith is a doorway to Universal Source, and he gives an excellent definition of the word faith: “Consciousness centered in Universal Source.” He states, “Faith simply tunes into and turns on the divine flow that has always been present.”

Butterworth goes on to compare faith to the dimmer switch you may have on a light in your home. Whether you dial it up or down to reveal more or less visible light, the amount of electricity (power) stays the same. The turning of the dial only increases and decreases according to our allowance of the flow. Therefore, “faith is not a vague process of believing in something,” but, rather, a “positive act of turning on something” that Something being the power within you to do and be what you will!

It is within our power to appropriate as much knowledge, skill, and abundance from the Universe as we can develop the faith in which to believe. So, I will rely on my faith as I step into new experiences, no matter how easy or difficult I may perceive them to be and I know that we all have the same power within us!

I hope to see many of you on Tuesdays as we study The Sermon on the Mount by Emmet Fox, and/or again next week as we share these ideas here in this weekly message!
If you'd like to join us on Zoom, the login info is:

Meeting ID: 810 0709 2426
Passcode: 865284

Peace, Love and Faith

My cat Princess is 8lbs of personality! Today’s photos show how even Princess “embraces” new technology and assists me each week in writing the WING-ed Words! (too bad she can’t help me clean off my messy desk!).
Your Weekly Affirmation:



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