Subject: WINGed Words

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Wednesday "Faith Lift" Meditation: 7:00 PM
Lessons in Truth Class (Zoom): 7:00 PM
Table Talk Thursday (Zoom): 12:00 PM
Sunday Service: 10:45 AM
Sunday Social (Zoom): 12:00 PM
WINGed Words
Hi, Everyone!

I must admit I was feeling out of sorts last Friday. I really could not put my finger on it, but I was feeling kind of grumpy and out of rhythm. Nothing felt right…..not sure if anyone can relate? Anyway, by Saturday I discovered just what I needed. I needed to get myself back to the right vibration! Each person has their own way of doing that but for me it is often to get outside and more specifically near water! I love the beach, boats, the salt smell, the sound of the water, the movement of the water – they all bring my cells right back into divine vibration. So, we put on some favorite jazz tunes and drove to Clearwater Beach and got out and walked around the marina among the boats and water. The sun was shining, the sky was blue, there was a slight breeze and I was able to breathe in the salt air and feel the rhythm of life.

Of course, that led me to a wonderful chapter in Eric Butterworth’s Celebrate Yourself called The Law of Vibration. In this chapter Butterworth states that vibration is everywhere and is at the root of all things. It is part of communication – vocal cords vibrate causing ear drums to vibrate causing neurons to vibrate and brains to decode the vibrations. Our colorful world is also made up of light vibration at different wavelengths. He adds that when our whole-body temple synchronizes to the vibration of the powerfully spoken words of Truth and positive music of a worship service healing takes place. However, we have all been in situations where the “vibes” are not good. We can sense it and often physically feel it. What to do in that situation? Butterworth quotes Jesus as saying in Matthew 5:25 “Agree with thine adversary quickly.” By this Jesus is referring to your adverse reaction, the bad vibration of your resistance. Instead the “agree” part means to get in tune with God, to become “synchronized with the divine flow.”

The question I must ask myself is, am I a part of the solution or part of the problem? Butterworths says, “If you react with anger or bitterness or fear you are projecting negative vibrations” and that is adding to the problem. Instead change your thoughts to not perpetuate the negative situation around you. Jesus said, “let your light shine.” Light is vibrating at a much higher frequency than darkness. Elevate your consciousness and tap into your inner joy.

We can do this by many means. Right in your own home by setting a positive mood with scents or sounds, lighting and speaking words of positivity and stating powerful affirmations. By singing along to our favorite positive songs or going outdoors if we can to a favorite natural place. I am sure you can all think of others that work for you. The important thing is to release our inner joy and optimism! To let our hearts sing! Eric Butterworth ends this chapter by saying as we let our hearts sing with joy, “the cells of your body clap their hands in ecstasy, your whole being is now synchronized with the rhythm of the universe.” You are now ready to carry these healing and harmonizing vibrations out into your world “to make safe, joyous and successful your way.”

I am happy to report that my weekend went much more smoothly after I took some time to re-synchronize myself with the divine flow. Reading this chapter has reminded me that it is all in my control. When I allow fear and anxiety or resistance in – they are the adversaries and I need to quickly reverse their vibration to thinking and saying something good!

I am planning on resuming the Wings Book Study, on Zoom, which has been on hiatus for many months. It will be on Tuesday’s at 12:00, same as our regular meeting time. You can check the eNews letter for specifics. I hope I will see many of you there. However, I will continue this weekly communication as well!
If you'd like to join us on Zoom, the login info is:

Meeting ID: 810 0709 2426
Passcode: 865284

Peace, Love and Good Vibrations!

I took today’s photos at sunset on the beach in Oahu, Hawaii when I visited there in 2017. Seeing and hearing the water lapping on the beach in perfect rhythm just as the sun goes down in perfect timing always aligns my cells in perfect divine order! Enjoy!
Your Weekly Affirmation:



2465 Nursery Rd, Clearwater, FL 33764, United States
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