Subject: WINGed Words

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Wednesday Meditation: 7:00 PM
Table Talk Thursday: 12:00 PM
Sunday Service: 10:45 AM
Sunday Social: 12:00 PM
WINGed Words
Our WINGS group met in the UCC Cafe on Tuesdays for many years. Now that we're sheltering in place, the group really misses sharing their inspiring weekly studies.

Since our WINGS group leader, UCC Certified Truth Teacher, Cynthia Mackey, began to send out weekly emails to the group, we asked if we might share her messages with our entire email list so that more people could enjoy them.

You're very welcome to send questions or positive comments to Cynthia at:
Hi Everyone,

Happy Tuesday! I trust this short update finds you healthy and well! I type that with more hesitation each week as the case count in our state for Covid-19 increases daily and weekly. The virus appears to be spreading unchecked in the community while different groups are arguing as to whether it is real or even exists at all. This weekend my family and I took an afternoon ride up to Homossassa Springs to arrange to rent a boat for a future weekend getaway on the water. There is nothing that soothes our souls like boats and water. I was quite surprised when we arrived at the marina on the river. It was quite crowded with folks hoisting their boats out of the water for the end of their day of fishing, boating or scalloping. Many people were crowded on the docks, in the restaurant and bait shop – none were wearing masks! It looked like any other July Sunday of any given year. Anyone arriving on the scene would never have known anything about a pandemic. My first instinct was to be critical – “Don’t they know what is going on?!” Then I realized that this is not the time to criticize our fellow citizens. It is a time for healing – yes, healing in all aspects of our lives and all aspects of our society, in all aspects of our world, and healing for the thousands of people worldwide who are most definitely experiencing illness associated with Covid-19. For them, the virus is real! This entire situation could be seen as the Universe calling all of our names for healing!

So, as so often happens, when I begin to get an idea for our Tuesday Wings Update, I opened the Daily Word and today’s topic is healing! “The natural order of life is wholeness.” Unity is wholeness and we are unified through love. It also states in that reading that we must each recognize, “any pain or discomfort as a signal” that something needs attention. This could be something physical, mental, emotional or spiritual in me or in our world. Then I will be, “guided to the perfect solution.” However, “my positive attitude and openess are crucial to my experience of healing.” These seem like some simple directions for healing.

Of course, oh Winged Friends, you know me well, in that I did not stop there! I did some further study in Eric Butterworth’s book Discover the Power Within. He has a lengthy chapter filled with wonderful explanations and enrichments on the topic of healing, called “Jesus’ Formula for Healing.” I can only touch on a few key points. Butterworth strongly empahsizes that healing is not a suspension of divine law, but a fulfillment of divine law. According to Butterworth, Jesus taught that we live concurrently in two worlds – the physical and the spiritual. Therefore, we should not be distracted by appearance and outer discord in our bodies or in the society. Jesus always advised to elevate our consiousness and “see rightly,” meaning, we are to see the wholeness of ourselves and the unity of ourselves and our fellow humans. So we are not denying that there is a virus, that people are really sick with Covid-19 or any other number of physical ailments. We are saying, however, that illness is neither our nor their permanent state and that we all can be healed! The rebuilding power of the material form can be referred to as the “healing power of nature.” This is a spiritual activity, whether it is brought about “by meditation or medication.”

I miss all of you and continue to pray daily for the inspiration of Divine Mind in the doctors, scientists and researchers to develop remedies, cures and a vaccine to heal us all of the pandemic and further to heal our world through Divine Love!
Todays photo, which I took during one of my evening walks I find very serene and healing. I call it “Sunset Over the Retention Pond” LOL! We find our inspiration where we are, whether it is across the world or in our own backyard – there is no spot where God is not! I hope you find it healing as well!

Peace, Love and Healing,
Your Weekly Affirmation:



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