Subject: WINGed Words

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Wednesday Meditation: 7:00 PM
Table Talk Thursday: 12:00 PM
Sunday Service: 10:45 AM
Sunday Social: 12:00 PM
WINGed Words
Our WINGS group met in the UCC Cafe on Tuesdays for many years. Now that we're sheltering in place, the group really misses sharing their inspiring weekly studies.

Since our WINGS group leader, UCC Certified Truth Teacher, Cynthia Mackey, began to send out weekly emails to the group, we asked if we might share her messages with our entire email list so that more people could enjoy them.

You're very welcome to send questions or positive comments to Cynthia at:
Hi Everyone,

I discovered I have been writing to you weekly for 17 weeks! Oh my, when I started, I never realized it would be so long and longer still. Sometimes it is difficult to stay positive when each day the end of the pandemic and our isolation seems to get further away rather than closer. So, I was surprised when I received a communication from our brokerage firm and in it was a brief newsletter which contained tips for staying positive through our present circumstances. The top of the list was gratitude! A magic word and even more magical practice! But do not take my word for it – the idea can be found in almost every Unity author I have studied.

In this short weekly update, I could not include the many places that gratitude is discussed, so I focused in on a favorite chapter concerning the topic in Eric Butterworth’s Spiritual Economics. Chapter 5, beginning on page 85, is titled “The Grateful Heart.” He begins with telling us not to “allow events, people, things and economic conditions to control us.” I believe the key word here is “allow.” That indicates that I have complete control as to how I allow circumstances to make me feel. He further states that, “thanksgiving is not just a reactionary emotion,” as in the expression of gratitude for something received, but “it is a causative energy.” That indicates that the gratitude must come first and foremost each moment, each day.

Some of us received the idea through religion or family tradition that gratitude is an obligatory action. But Eric Butterworth reminds us that God does not require us to thank Him at all. It does not matter to God if you are thankful (He gives to His children from an unending fountain of love), but it makes a lot of difference to us, to our consciousness, if we are thankful. Gratitude is an important state of consciousness that keeps us in the awareness of Divine Flow!

As many who know me know – I love to travel and when I do travel, I love to take pictures. So, now I am only traveling in my neighborhood and on my evening walks (it is in my control to be grateful or not for the opportunity, I choose to be grateful). So, last week, I showed you the ducks in the pond near my home and this week I am including a wonderful moment when my husband and I spotted some blooming Birds of Paradise on our walk. Reminding us that we really do live in paradise. I took a couple of shots, but the one included, I must admit, was taken by Mike. He really has the better photographic eye in the family! Each week I will try to include a photo either from my walks or from my travels, as Google continues to remind me where I was last year at this time…two years ago…four years ago and on and on……
As always, I hope you are all well – I miss you all greatly – but am very grateful for your reading of my updates and your responses to me!

Peace, Love and Gratitude
Your Weekly Affirmation:



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