Subject: WINGed Words

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Wednesday Meditation: 7:00 PM
Table Talk Thursday: 12:00 PM
Sunday Service: 10:45 AM
Sunday Social: 12:00 PM
WINGed Words
Our WINGS group met in the UCC Cafe on Tuesdays for many years. Now that we're sheltering in place, the group really misses sharing their inspiring weekly studies.

Since our WINGS group leader, UCC Certified Truth Teacher, Cynthia Mackey, began to send out weekly emails to the group, we asked if we might share her messages with our entire email list so that more people could enjoy them.

You're very welcome to send questions or positive comments to Cynthia at:
Hi Everyone,

Greetings and Happy Tuesday! Yes, I remember it is Tuesday. It looks like the numbers are indicating the definite opposite of flattening the curve of the pandemic we have been experiencing. Mask wearing seems to be the new norm for a while. Yesterday, I went to the grocery store with my mask on, hand wipes at the ready, a plethora of hand sanitizer and a firm commitment to social distancing.

The mask is an interesting phenomenon. People are getting used to a new etiquette around wearing a mask and social distancing. It is an entirely different experience. We seem so separated from each other to the point that we really do not see one another anymore.

There used to be a smile and nod between folks engaged in a common activity, but now nothing--unless one actually speaks, and then it is often just a muffled mutter that comes out, unless we make a special effort to be understood. There really is no more casual comment; communication has to be on purpose. However, that is somewhat uncomfortable for some of us, so we go about our shopping, following the one-way arrows with purpose and, unfortunately, the “aisle direction violators” can’t really see or notice our frowns of displeasure when they go against the arrows.

Contemplating recent experiences of masked forays into the world for myself and others made me think about how, prior to this time, and some even now, have tried to emphasize our differences and put ourselves and others into categories with labels and even retreating into tribal groups of sameness. But that is not the way that God sees us. He sees us as all His children.

These thoughts took me to Charles Fillmore’s Christian Healing. In Lesson 12, starting on page 130 and titled Love, Fillmore talks about our relationship with God, Our Father, and our relationship with each other. He states that “Love, in Divine Mind, is the idea of universal unity . . . . Love is the power that joins and binds in divine harmony the universe and everything in it.” Wow, that is a comforting thought!

He further reminds us that love is not just confined to our family and personal relationships, but, through the teachings of Jesus and our own transformation, love is expanded to include all things. Then, on page 131, Fillmore goes further to say that if God is the Father of all, then that makes us brothers and sisters in a universal family. He also advises us that to the extent that we separate ourselves into "families, cliques and religious factions” we put away God’s love.

These are bold ideas to be thinking about as we are advised to separate ourselves from each other. It seems that even so, folks want to go out and be together. Hmm . . . . Maybe that tells us that the longing to love and care for and about one another comes from somewhere deep inside us, most likely placed there by our Creator. Dr. H. Emilie Cady says that the desires of our heart are already known to God, for He is the one who placed them there in the first place.

So, for this week, I am thinking about unity: our unity with each other and the realization of that, which also seems to be happening in the middle of our strong advice to stay apart. The realization that we (that’s the human “we”) seem to be expressing that our freedom and happiness comes when we all recognize the rights of all individuals to be part of the “we.” Our country and perhaps the world cannot go forward until we realize that though the original writers of “We the people” might not have meant all of the people, that in this time we do mean everyone!

Thank you for reading my weekly thoughts and thank you to many of you that send me your comments. I love and miss all of my Unity family! And remember, as you go about wearing your mask, to make an effort to notice those around you and greet them warmly even though it may seem different in the “new normal.”

Peace and Love, Cynthia
Your Weekly Affirmation:



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