Subject: #UCCStrong - The Latest News from Your Church

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Sunday Service Time: 11:00 AM
#UCCStrong - Please Start Using this Hashtag in Social Media
We thank those who donated blood at the Red Bus in our parking lot on Sunday. Please know that those who donated blood have given a great blessing of life and love, and we appreciate you!

Spring Break: The following classes are in extended Spring Break until further notice.
Tuesday WINGS group
Tuesday evening Lessons in Truth Class
Our Unity Singers (Choir)

Here at Unity Church of Clearwater, we are cooperating with medical experts and civic authorities by minimizing our face-to-face activities, but we are ever accessible and reachable to you. For a time, it appears best that we ask folks to take care of themselves and help others as possible by connecting either by phone and online, rather than in person. We will reduce open hours at our Church home. Whenever the Church is open during the week, we will have a small table by the Bookstore doors, with hand sanitizer on it, and we ask people to honor personal space of 3'-6' as much as possible. Social distancing is an act of love!

Until further notice, we are asking you to attend Sunday Church services via our livestream at 11:00 AM via:

We do have a "chat" function on the livestream, and you can share positive ideas during the service - a great way to keep in touch and remind us that while we are there for you, YOU ARE THERE FOR US, as well.

This is a great time to invite close friends and family members to enjoy our Sunday Services with you by watching online! Those who haven't come to Unity will find that Unity is coming to them!

For now, we recommend that children be kept at home on Sunday mornings. If you email or call Leddy, she will help supply inspirational and educational materials for little ones, and she is also ready to write email messages just for them or to speak with your children on the phone herself. Sometimes, hearing a voice that is speaking to YOU, calling you by your name, is an invaluable message of your personal value and of your connection with your spiritual family.

We hope all will open the windows of their souls, even step outside the doors of their homes to stop and listen to the singing of the birds this beautiful springtime. Even if we are not together in person, we are together in Spirit. Let our souls sing with praise, for Love is still alive in the midst of us!

Service Saturdays and Express Saturdays are in recess until further notice.

For now we are continuing the Wednesday Evening Meditation in the Peace Chapel (6:30 -7pm for silent prayer; 7-7:30 for a guided meditation), and this is a small group so social distancing is easy to maintain.

We are one in Spirit, even if not face-to-face.

A call goes out to all of us to pray in the consciousness of St. Francis during these interesting times:

"Lord, make us instruments of Your peace.
Where there is fear, let us sow faith,
Where there is uncertainty, let us sow confidence.
Where there is worry, let us sow patience.
Where there is helplessness, let us sow encouragement.
Where there is isolation, let us bring community and connection.
Where there is loneliness, we remind one another of our oneness in Spirit.
O Divine Master, we now affirm Your wisdom and love as we seek to console and inspire others,
For it is in staying strong in Your Truth that we strengthen others.
It is in holding to You that we hold strong with one another,
And it is in staying positive in what appear to be negative times
that we remember who we are. We are #UCCStrong!
By keeping attuned to You, our Church and our families are coming through these times, arising stronger together in Unity."

They say that in the streets of Assisi today, people are singing to each other across the empty courtyards, keeping their windows open so that those who are alone can hear the voices of of family and neighbors around them. Let us "sing" words of uplift and hope and Truth in our emails and social media and phone calls!

Singing across the spaces between us:
If people of our Unity family feel led to share their phone numbers or email addresses in order to connect and to be there for others who may feel alone or require some sort of supportive action, like delivery of a few groceries or just a positive voice "singing" across the empty spaces between us, please send your connection information to and we promise to share it only with our extended spiritual family members for non-commercial purposes, including acts of kindness words of encouragement; please email info@UnityofClearwater.Org any time of the night or day, or phone 727- 531-0992 between 11 am and 3 pm Tuesday through Fridays). (Our office answer phone system has not been reliable -- that is something we want to repair or replace as time and substance appear to do that.) Leddy gets every email and responds personally as swiftly as possible.

"We are sitting by open windows, spiritually, here at Unity, singing to you across the open spaces and listening for your voices! We are grateful to all who continue to support UCC financially through online and mailed in donations. We love you, we bless you, and we behold the Christ in you!"

Remember, social distancing is NOT spiritual distancing!

One with you in Unity, Leddy Hammock
office hours 727 531 0992
Enjoy this Free Playlist from emPower M&A
This Sunday @ UCC:
Lesson Title: - Why R U Here?
This week's lesson is inspired by “My Soul Is Welcome Here” by Daniel Nahmod:

I am here to make good choices and speak my Truth. I’m in the right place at the right time and I’m just where I’m supposed to be.  My soul is welcome here!

God is good and I am a child of God, so I am good.  I am here to do something good with my life. I’m in the right place at the right time and I am just what I’m supposed to be. My soul is welcome here!

God has placed so much good in my heart. I am here to share it in my own way. I’m in the right place at the right time, to do what I am here to do. My soul is welcome here!

God loves me and I am here to grow through everything I go through in my wonderful life. I’m in the right place at the right time to learn what I have come to learn. I’m getting the message loud and clear: my soul is welcome here!
emPower Music Festival at Unity Village
The emPower Music Festival has been rescheduled for later in the year.

New Dates: Oct 28 - Nov 1

UCC Events at a Glance
This Week
Office Closed

EFT - Tapping Group
Tue, 1:15 PM

Guided Meditation Service
Wed, 7:00 PM

Tai Chi
Thur, 6:00 PM

AA Meeting
Thur, 7:30 PM

AA Meeting
Fri, 7:00 PM

CPR Class
Sat, 10:00 AM

Coming Up
WINGS Book Study Group
TBD, 11:45 AM

Class: Lessons in Truth
TBD, 7:00 PM

Helping Parents Heal
TBD, 7:00 PM

Coming Up Continued
Unity Singers Rehearsal
TBD, 6:00 PM

Half Hour Hebrew
TBD, 7:00 PM

Torah Study
TBD, 7:30 PM

Service Saturday
TBD, 9:00 AM
UCC Campus

Express Saturday
TBD, 9:00 AM
UCC Campus

Theosophical Society Meeting
TBD, 2:00 PM

B.O.T.A. Meeting
TBD, 1:00 PM

New Member Meet n Greet n Eat
TBD, 12:00 PM
New World Room

Meditation & Dhamma Discussion
TBD, 6:30 PM
Dhamma Wheel Meditation Society

emPower Music Festival
Oct 28 - Nov 1
Unity Village, MO

Thanks in Advance for Google & Facebook Reviews! ★★★★★
We Strive for Five! ★★★★★
Prosperit-E-mail # 528
The changeless spiritual law

“All true action is governed by law. Nothing just happens. There are no miracles. There is no such thing as luck. Nothing comes by chance. All happenings are the result of cause and can be explained under the law of cause and effect. This is a teaching that appeals to the innate logic of our mind, yet we sometimes feel like doubting it when we see things happen that have no apparent cause. These happenings that seem miraculous are controlled by laws that we have not yet learned and result from causes that we have not been able to understand. Man does not demonstrate according to the law but according to his knowledge of the law, and that is why we must seek to learn more of it. God is law and God is changeless. If we would bring forth the perfect creation, we must conform to law and unfold in our mind, body, and affairs as a flower unfolds by the principle of innate life, intelligence, and substance . . . . God has ordained the law but does not compel us to follow it. We have free will, and the manner of our doing is left entirely to us. When we know the law and work with it, we are rewarded by its protection and use it to our good . . .”

(Charles Fillmore Cofounder of the Unity Movement in Prosperity [1936] -- Lesson Four: Man, the Inlet and Outlet of Divine Mind).
Your Weekly Prosperity Affirmation:


2465 Nursery Rd, Clearwater, FL 33764, United States
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