Subject: UCC Response to COVID-19 - Face the Facts and Hold the Truth

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Prayer for Protection
The light of God surrounds us;
The love of God enfolds us;
The power of God protects us;
The presence of God watches over us;
Wherever we are, God is!
Dear House Built on Love,

We are writing to you again to inform you of additional steps we are taking to respond to the growing threat of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).  We are listening to national news about the situation and seeking to respond lovingly and effectively.  

Our primary goal is to provide a safe, loving, and caring environment at Unity Church of Clearwater.   We are committed to using reason and compassion in responding to this health crisis. In the meantime, here are some decisions that will go into effect this week:


We are planning to hold our 11:00 AM service every Sunday.

If you would like to have human connection and are not at high risk from COVID-19, come to worship - we will be here. If you feel ill or at risk it is prudent to stay home, rest, and take care of yourself. We trust you to make the best decision for yourself and your loved ones.
  • With the help of our dedicated volunteer Tech Team, we will continue to stream our services online at 11:00 AM

  • If you are at home this Sunday, consider catching the service via livestream at 11:00 AM

  • We suggest spacing apart one or more seats in the Sanctuary during service, wherever possible

  • We are suspending handing out printed newsletters during worship

  • We will not pass the offering plate during worship. Instead, we request that you share your offering at the end of the service at an exit door or in the lobby

  • If you can’t make it to church click the button to easily make a donation

  • We will continue the practice of greeting others in non-physical or low contact ways, like waving, bowing, or elbow bumping during Sunday services and coffee hour

  • With the exception of coffee and tea, we are suspending all food service during coffee hour except pre-wrapped individual food items

Youth Ministry
  • This Sunday our Youth Ministry classes will use well-spaced classroom seating

Pastoral Support
  • This can be an isolating time for many people. If you are healthy and not in a high risk group, consider reaching out by phone or email to your fellow Unity of Clearwater friends, especially those who are at higher risk from COVID-19 or who might need some extra assistance at this time

  • If you are seeking pastoral or spiritual care, please contact  or call 727-531-0992 during office hours (about 10:15 AM - 4:00 PM)

Church Office, Social Events & Meetings
  • Watch our eNews and Facebook page for notices about small group/class schedules

  • Until further notice, ministry team & committee meetings, WINGS and Tuesday night classes and Wednesday Prayer Services and music team rehearsals are still taking place. Should you decide not to meet, please let us know at

Office & Facilities
  • Until further notice, the church office will remain open during regular business hours

  • The facilities staff and volunteers are taking additional measures to ensure that our buildings are clean

  • Our helpers are cleaning bathrooms and high-touch surfaces (door knobs, handrails, etc.) with sanitizing wipes containing 60-90% alcohol; tables are being cleaned before and after use

  • Staff are ensuring that hand soap and paper towels are available at all the sinks in the building. Signs reminding us all to wash our hands have being posted at all sinks, as well

  • Latex gloves are available in the kitchen, and should be worn if preparing or serving coffee/tea or food

  • Hand sanitizer stations are available, though we strongly encourage everyone to wash their hands rather than rely on hand sanitizer
In the meantime, here's what you can do to stay healthy:
  • Wash hands often or use hand sanitizer

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing (disposing of them frequently), or sneeze into your sleeve/elbow

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth

  • Disinfect frequently touched surfaces including door handles, work surfaces, sinks, etc

  • Keep your immune systems strong by sleeping, eating, and exercising

  • Stay home if you or family members feel ill.  Consult with your physician to determine when it’s safe to be with other people

  • Keep yourselves fully informed about the most recent developments

  • Here are a few places where you can get updated information:

  • CDC
  • WHO
  • Florida Dept of Health
We will continue to provide you with updates as available. 

Let us continue loving and caring for ourselves and each other, as we hold those who are directly impacted in our thoughts and prayers.
In faith and love,
Leddy Hammock, Sr. Minister, and all of our Ministry Team
2465 Nursery Rd, Clearwater, FL 33764, United States
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