Subject: UCC Reopens this Sunday - What to Expect

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Unity – Where Hearts and Minds Are Open,
Our Sanctuary Is Open for Sunday Services Beginning May 30, 11:00 AM!
Why 11:00 AM?
We’re returning to the service time we’d had in place for many years. This start-time allows our Tech Team and Music Team to prepare for the many aspects of presenting our service. This timing also allows for the possibility of holding an earlier service or class in the future.

What about UCC Protocol for Attendance?
Our Team Members are all fully vaccinated, but we’re not asking folks to preregister, taking people’s temperatures, marking off seating, or trying to enforce social distancing or mask wearing. WE CERTAINLY HOPE YOU WILL WEAR YOUR MASK INDOORS AND IN THE COURTYARD AT UCC, though, because even if vaccinated folks feel safe around others, there will be unvaccinated folks around us and some of them may be young children. We’re trying to do our best to provide as safe an environment for all that we possibly can, and yet still welcome our spiritual family home again. We are listening to the science regarding variants and letting wisdom guide us forward. Presenters on the platform in the Sanctuary will remove their masks during the service, but will replace their masks as they leave the platform. We’re recommending waves, fist-bumps and elbow-bumps, rather than handshakes or hugs at this time. The gentle, palms-together “Namaste” bow (“the divinity in me honors the divinity in you”), has become an accepted universal greeting.

What about Youth Ministry?
Our fully vaccinated and masked nursery attendants and Pre-K teachers will welcome the little ones in our Youth Wing (just across the Courtyard). As our spiritual family grows, we be ready to call on well-trained teachers for school aged students, as well.

What about Congregational Singing & Group Affirmations?
We’re minimizing congregational singing for now, but we will be having our group affirmations.

What about Social Distancing?
That’s not so easy to do in our physical space, but in our Sanctuary, household groups may choose to be seated together. We won’t take it personally if someone gets up and moves a little further down the aisle during the service. We have learned this past year that while we have been socially distanced, we’ve still grown closer together spiritually!

What about Refreshments?
We’ll wait awhile on that, since folks must remove masks to eat and drink. Our café will be open again when scientific guidelines indicate to our Board of Directors that enough folks have gotten their vaccinations so that we all feel more comfortable gathering to share refreshments in the Café without masks. We hope that will happen by autumn, but we’ll see. Meantime, we’re together!

Will Church Feel Different?
Well, we’ll probably miss the faces of some folks, but we’ll see a lot of familiar friends and we’ll meet a lot of new friends, too, and that will be great! We’ve tweaked our order of service a little bit, but you’ll feel at home. If you’re attending by live stream, we’ll be with you in cyberspace, as we have all year long. Want to watch again or share with others? You’ll still find us on Facebook and the church website!

What about Other UCC Events We’ve Been Enjoying Online?
You’ll still find Sunday Services and the Midweek Prayer Services live streamed on the church website and Facebook. Our weekly eNews will take the place of paper-printed newsletters. WINGS will be meeting in the Café on Tuesdays at noon starting June 1, but our WINGed words letter will still go out in email the first of every month. Tuesday night classes by Judy Tafelski will continue on Zoom, for now, and our Board is loving the convenience of monthly Zoom meetings.

Will the Church Office Be Open During the Week?
For the time being the office will still be closed and the staff available by appointment.

The beautiful “Sunrise over Clear Water” painting featured in this email was created for us by gifted artist, Dory Byers (sister of our own Karen Erickson), especially for this wonderful homecoming!
Your Weekly Affirmation:



2465 Nursery Rd, Clearwater, FL 33764, United States
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