Subject: UCC News - Ready to Receive - Weekly Affirmation

Current Mailing Address:
Unity Church of Clearwater
PO Box 4681
Clearwater, FL 33758
WINGS Book Study Group (Zoom): Tue, 12:00 PM (in recess)
Wednesday Prayer/Meditation Service (Live Stream): 7:00 PM
Table Talk Thursday (Zoom): Thur, 12:00 PM
Bible Study (Zoom): Thur, 3:00 PM (in recess)
Sunday Service: 11:00 AM
(DAS & Live Streamed)
Our Sunday Services Are Hosted by:
Discovery Academy of Science
(Our Former Sanctuary)
11:00 AM
2433 Nursery Rd, Clearwater, 33764 (map)
We Are So Grateful!
Construction Update
Come, join us in our former sanctuary on campus, where we're having a really fun time, seeing many friends we haven't seen in a while and welcoming new friends, too!  It's a more casual space, but has lovely air conditioning, restrooms in the lobby, and cool water-bottle fillers at rear of the room.  

Our wonderful UCC Teams will all be there to welcome us to the Unity we love!  Anyone who'd like to help with set up is welcome to join us at 9:00 AM on Sundays.

One day at a time! We submitted everything required of us for our permit last April, so we await the final approval of some items that are beyond our control.  Our path has been rocky at times, but we're proving that we're strong, we've held together, and we'll finish strong!

We are deeply grateful for the steadfast faith of all those whose gifts of love and substance sustain our Church during this time of transition.  We're very glad to welcome old friends and new friends on Sundays on our home campus.

Our beautiful new Church Home is being built for us in wisdom, love, and divine timing and we are ready to receive it!
This Sunday: Leddy Hammock - Ready to Receive
My life is in order and I am ready to receive my good.

I do not make excuses. I make ready.

My mind is now open, my heart is receptive to be healed and happy.

I am open to give love and to receive love, to love and to be loved.
Last Sunday's Shining Words:

“As you have believed, let it be done for you.’ And at that very hour [his] servant was healed” (Mt. 8:8-13).

We’re all healing in the hands of time.
Watching Online?
When You Can't Be with Us in Person....
Watch on Sunday & Wednesday (click image below)
**No Facebook Account Needed to Tune In!**
If You Missed the Service on Sunday....
Share a Ride with Unity Folks
If you would like to share transportation to and from Unity Church on Sunday (whether as a driver or a passenger), please email to let us know and we will try to connect you with others in your immediate neighborhood. Sometimes folks who live nearby might share a cab or Uber with you.

Welcome New UCC Prayer Chaplain, Lydia Muar
UCC Welcomes new Prayer Chaplain, Lydia Muar, during our Sunday Service on August 25. Please be with us for this happy occasion!

A little info about Lydia:

Born and raised just north of New York City; big sister to Joannie and Victor.
Saint Thomas Aquinas College - Bachelor of Science Psychology / Minor Fine Arts.
Business experiences include several facets of commercial real estate since 1978, business owner since 1990, and lots of fundraising and community involvement with Moffitt Cancer Center, The Outback Bowl, Breast Cancer Awareness via T.V, Radio, with lots of fundraising and community involvement with The Outback Bowl, Breast Cancer Awareness via T.V, radio & public speaking, and was honored to present book signings and talks tying to my booklet Survivor’s Wish - Poetry and Prose of the Journey, published by Owl Oak press in 2009.
Enjoyed ten incredible seasons with the New York Yankees before moving to Tampa in 1977, where I met and later married David and gained a six-year-old son, Michael. In 1988, our second son Ryan arrived.

Unity Church of Clearwater found me in 1989. I had no name for what it was I was searching for. I arrived without an appointment, greeted by Leddy as I opened the door for the first time, listening to and answering all my questions about what felt vastly different for me and at the same time so right. I asked whether “The Minister” would Christen Ryan. I discovered then that my Unity Study had begun that very afternoon with “Reverend Leddy.”

On Mother’s Day May 14,1989, we gratefully became part of this spiritual family. Since then, I have continued as a regular participant in UCC Sunday services, WINGS study group, Thursday Table Talks, and Bible classes with Rabbi Baseman by Zoom. Ryan is now thirty-six.
WINGS Book Study Group with The Rev Cynthia Mackey
WINGS Is in Summer Recess
Tuesdays (in recess)
12:00 PM
WINGS is our daytime Truth Book Study Group and is led by our UCC Minister of Education, The Reverend Cynthia Mackey.

The group includes men and women and there's always great discussion!

Make new friends, share ideas and explore Unity teachings in a supportive, positive environment!

WINGS will begin a new book study after the Summer recess.

Attending the WINGS group can earn credit toward becoming a UCC Prayer Chaplain. Please check with Cynthia for more info.
All are welcome to join in!

EFT - Tapping Group
1:30 PM
What is Emotional Freedom Tapping (EFT)
Your body is more powerful than you may imagine, filled with life, energy, and a compelling ability for self-healing.
Like acupuncture and acupressure, Tapping is a set of techniques that utilize the body’s energy meridian points. You can stimulate these meridian points by tapping on them with your fingertips, literally tapping into your body’s own energy and healing power.
Gather with a great group of positive and supportive folks with healing in mind!
To Join:
Midweek Prayer/Meditation Service
7:00-7:30 PM
Livestream only (UCC Facebook Page)

PRAYER ..."is communion with God.... This communion is an attitude of mind and heart that lifts the individual into a wonderful sense of oneness with God, who is Spirit, the Source of every good and perfect thing..." (Myrtle Fillmore's Healing Letters).

We invite you to join us for a half hour of contemplative guided prayer time. The service is live streamed to our Facebook page so no need to log in to Zoom. You will not be on camera and can use this quiet time to observe or just listen to this peaceful meditation. Prayer brings beautiful changes.
Table Talk - All are Welcome!
12:00 PM

Let's get together and chat!

Leddy hosts a weekly Zoom "Table Talk" every Thursday so we can stay in touch more regularly.

The Table Talk will last about an hour. Feel free to drop in for a few minutes or spend the whole hour with us.

To Join:
Come join in a light-hearted discussion that keeps us spiritually connected!
Bible Study with Leddy & Rabbi Baseman
The Bible Study Is in Summer Recess
Thursdays (in recess)
3:00 PM

Beginners and longtime Bible students are enjoying this insightful class, an excellent adventure in allegorical Bible study, team-taught by longtime friends, retired Reform Rabbi, Arthur Baseman and our Sr. Minister, Leddy Hammock, sharing insights into Hebrew Studies and Unity allegorical Bible interpretation.  It's awesome to see how these paths intertwine to teach Truth!

Walk with these two longtime friends and colleagues who are also longtime Bible scholars through intriguing stories in the Torah with insights from the Gospels as well.  

You can just listen or you can also ask questions and join in the discussion during this unique, rich, and fulfilling exploration.

Bring your favorite Bible version. Be ready to expand your understanding of scripture!
All UCC classes are offered on a free will love offering basis!
To Join:
Want to watch on demand?
Archives of the class can be found on the UCC Facebook page
Blessings Chanting at Dhamma Wheel
6:30-7:30 PM
In Person and on Zoom

Buddhist chants are among the noble blessings in our world. Monks have continuously recited these blessing chantings for over 2,600 years. By listening you can gain concentration, wellness and peace. The monks will recite these chants 4 times a week to bless you and your loved ones. You can send your loved ones names with the monks if you wish to share blessings with them.

The chants are in Pali which was the Buddha's language.

To Join:
Meeting ID: 867 3280 0873
Passcode: 4SukiHothu

More Info at
About Unity's Winged Globe
How You Can Donate
We're checking mail every day, so checks sent through the mail are fine, as are checks sent from your bank's online bill pay.

Your gifts to Unity Church of Clearwater are tax deductible as allowed by law.  Our life-affirming work is supported by the loving and generous offerings of friends like you.  Please give as your grateful spirit leads you.  You can also support Unity Church of Clearwater by leaving a legacy of prayer and hope in your will or estate plan.  Right now, right where you are, you are blessing this ministry through your loving thoughts and you, also, are blessed.
The easiest option is our online donation form which can be found at:
If you feel led you might consider setting up an automatic recurring donation. This can be done through your bank's bill pay or on the Church's donation form.
We've also been asked about the processing fees the church has to pay when the online form is used. The fees are a small percentage (3-4%) of the total donation, however there is an option to cover fees that you may select if you feel so inclined. Every little bit helps and we're grateful if you decide to turn that option on.
Donate by Text! It's Super Easy!
Text "Give" (without quotes) to 833-679-1105 and follow the prompts.
Healing Thought # 230
"We turn Godward open to receive ... [and] our mind draws forth from the Father a fulfillment of it in the highest form in which we are capable of receiving it. Our part is to step forth boldly in faith as if we were conscious of receiving.... We shall find that it is met in overflowing measure by our Father's love. Words will be put in our mouth; wisdom will be given for decisions and strength to meet the occasion, the needed amount of money will be forthcoming. It will all seem as natural as if the need had never existed; for even before we asked it was met, the fulfillment being subject only to our performing our part in the transaction. In the silence, we contact the answer whether we are aware of it or not, and faith and expectancy and steady vision bring it forth into being" (Frances Foulks, Effectual Prayer, "Living the Life").


2465 Nursery Rd, Clearwater, FL 33764, United States
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