Subject: Merry Christmas - What's Happening - Weekly Affirmation

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This Sunday @ UCC:
Auld Lang Syne - Sue Riley
Inspired by lyrics to Memory Makers, by Sue Riley.

“After the dazzle of Christmas, the holiday frazzle is past. Peace descends in the silent night, at last.”

We give thanks for the memory makers: the wise ones who shared with us the unforgettable moments that we treasure still.

We give thanks for the memory makers: the dear ones of Christmases past who kept alive their faith in the shining potential within us and who never lost faith in us.

We give thanks for the memory makers: the precious ones who loved us through the passage of time and kept alive for us the promises of a bright new year and sweet Christmases yet to be.

Thank You, God, and may we all be Memory Makers.
Burning Bowl Service
Sun, Dec 31
6:00 PM

One of Unity’s oldest and dearest traditions, the Burning Bowl Service is our opportunity to come together as we release the limitations of the past year and set our intentions for the wonderful new year ahead.

Let’s release the old year and welcome the new: Let all be well and serene in 2018!
Sunday AM service on New Year's Eve will be 10:30 AM as usual
Treasure Mapping
Tue, Jan 9
12:00 PM

All are welcome to our popular, annual “Treasure Mapping” class.

This annual gathering is a great opportunity to begin the new year by visualizing the things you want to manifest in your life.

A treasure map pictures what we want. It has been called “pictured prayer.” Just as a road map indicates the way to a planned destination, a treasure map helps us get what we desire – healing, supply, a job, possessions, happiness. Physically, it is a piece of paper on which we have placed pictures of what we want with statements of faith. …

We think, and we form our world after the pattern of our thinking. A map helps us think right so that we can and do create what we want to experience. It keeps us close to God. It reminds us every time we look at it that we are one with God. … This is the wonderful part of treasure mapping.

What Should you Bring?

We’ll supply everything you need to create your treasure map, but we’ll gratefully receive any magazines you might wish to donate. Magazines and catalogs with lots of pictures are preferable

In preparation for the treasure mapping we would be grateful for any used magazines you can share with us. They can be dropped off during the week or on Sundays.
The Week Between Christmas & New Year's Eve
The Church Office Will Be Open Tue - Fri 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

This Week
Office Closed

WINGS Book Study Group
Tue, 11:30 AM

Temple of Spiritual Awareness
Tue, 7:00 PM

Prayer & Meditation Service
Wed, 7:00 PM

Tai Chi
Thur, 6:00 PM

AA Meeting
Thur, 7:30 PM

AA Meeting
Fri, 7:00 PM

NY Eve Burning Bowl Service
Sun, 6:00 PM

Coming Up
Half Hour Hebrew
Jan 4, 7:00 PM

Torah Study
Jan 4, 7:30 PM

Service Saturday
Jan 6, 9:00 AM
UCC Campus

CPR Class
Jan 6, 10:00 AM

Theosophical Society Meeting
Jan 6, 1:30 PM

Treasure Mapping
Jan 9, 12:00 PM

Unity Singers Rehearsal
Jan 10, 6:00 PM

Half Day Meditation Retreat
Jan 20, 8:30 AM
Dhamma Wheel

Express Saturday
Jan 20, 9:00 AM
UCC Campus

New Member Meet n Greet n Eat
Feb 11, 12:00 PM

Annual Business Meeting
Feb 18, 12:00 PM

December Heart of the House - Ginny & John McKinley
They were childhood sweethearts, born and raised in Winchester, MA, attending the same elementary and junior high schools. Their roads diverged in high school when John McKinley attended an agricultural vocational school in Danvers, then did a three-year stint in the Army while Ginny Larson trained as an R.N. at Massachusetts Memorial Hospital in Boston preparing for a career that would span the next 48 years. She also took writing courses at the University of New Hampshire and sold some short stories to help finance her nurse’s training. (She has since completed a novel with an unusual plot, as yet not submitted for publication.)

After their marriage, John earned his degree in education at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, planning to become a teacher, but because of low demand then for teachers, he began managing a “gentleman’s farm” owned by a Harvard vice-president. The farm specialized in raising prime breeding dairy cows. During these years, two sons were born. Both, as adults, enjoy fulfilling careers. One is a chef; one breeds hunting/bird dogs. Beloved daughters-in-law and three grandsons have enhanced the McKinley family.

Read more

"Getting to Know You . . ." here at Unity!
Everyone enjoys the delightful and insightful interviews written up and printed in our newsletters to help us get to know our Unity family.

If you haven't been interviewed before, please email or phone the office at 727-531-0992 to add your name to our list.

We'd love to see an interview of you in our newsletters and your circle of close friends and family will be delighted, too!
Prosperit-E-mail # 422

“Sometimes persons of moderate means feel that it would be a hardship to begin tityhing, and dismiss it as a practice for the rich. However, the consistent practice of tithing is a means of establishing anyone in a consciousness of consistent giving, which opens the way to consistent receiving. One businessman says that he had to tithe, to get out of debt and stay out of debt! A businesswoman was asked, ‘What do you think of tithing?’ She replied, ‘Why, if I didn’t tithe I’d be picked as clean as a bird. I’ve got to tithe to keep going.’ It has often been said, ‘You’ll never find a tither in the poorhouse.’”

(Catherine Ponder in The Prospering Power of Love [Unity School of Christianity, 1966]

Your Weekly Prosperity Affirmation:

2465 Nursery Rd, Clearwater, FL 33764, United States
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