Subject: Einstein vs Manifestation Guru-Who wins?


Penny Chow here.

Did you know that the vast majority of “Manifestation” gurus are actually clueless about how to manifest wealth… apart from selling their “Manifestation” courses?

Ironic, right?

Einstein actually predicted this… with what he called “The Observer Effect.”

Which basically states that you… the Observer… are ONE… with the Observed.

You are ONE in essence with what you’re observing… RIGHT NOW.

Other leading physicists, like Dr. Amit Goswami, have backed up his research.

What does this mean for you… if you want to experience unlimited abundance?

It means that you MUST operate in harmony with The Law of Attention.

You see, since your experience of reality BECOMES…

Whatever you put your attention on… whether it’s scarcity or abundance.

And believe me, I struggled big time… with breaking through to radical abundance.

That is…until everything changed...and I mean RADICALLY changed.

Here’s what I found.

Manifesting abundance STARTS in your subconscious mind…

Where we make 97% of our decisions.

And it’s a subconscious that’s been programmed for DECADES…

Basically, since you were a child.

But here’s the catch…

Manifesting wealth and abundance doesn’t happen...until you clear out the OLD programming…

And replace it.

Which...has been just unthinkably complex.

That is… until now.

>>> Here’s why abundance is already yours

And it all comes down to the Law of Attention.

This is the ONE THING that turned years of scarcity programming… into unlimited ABUNDANCE…

In record time.

This is the ONE THING that was finally able to harness the power of Einstein’s “Observer Effect”... and unlock unlimited abundance…

Even when NOTHING had worked before.

Check it out here

Discover how to leverage The Law of Attention… and reprogram your subconscious mind… automatically… even easily…

So you can experience the unlimited abundance YOU want, need, and deserve.

Talk Soon,

Penny Chow

P.S - I’ve been asked about what happens with “other” manifestation programs you may have bought in the past… that haven’t worked as advertised. Well first, don’t beat yourself up, it’s not your fault. But do yourself a favor and check this out now. Einstein would definitely approve.

Click here for more
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