Aight... So how many income streams you got?Grants & Sponsorships? (Competitive & Not Guaranteed)
Small Donations? (Dope, But You Need Alot of Them)
Big Donations (Super Dope, But Inconsistent)
Signature Events (Lucrative, But Lots of Moving Pieces)
Social Business Enterprise (Game Changing, But Hard to Do) What if you had multiple streams of reliable, predictable, sustainable income to fully fund your work?That's what we'll be helping you create in October at the upcoming 3-Day Funding Your Mission Conference in Orlando, Florida.
The entire Urban Awareness USA team (including Tracy V. Allen) will be on hand to show you how to Fully Fund Your Mission using the same methods that we've used to raise over $2 Billion in funding and support for organizations just like yours.
TVA (thats what we call her) is like a funding scientist. She has dozens of recipes and money making formulas that she uses to help nonprofits and social enterprises generate steady funding WITHOUT chasing grants. (Read More)Not only is she the majority owner of three different successful businesses herself, but she has personally helped others just like you generate millions in nongrant revenue. (
Read More)
The girl is the real deal!!!
You're invited to attend for 75% OFF...