Subject: FriendWorry-Free Crisis Planning - Financial & Operational Aspects

Re-Structure Your Business for Cash and Profits
Worry-Free Crisis Planning-Financial and Operational Aspects
Cash is critical.
In a crisis, cash is absolutely critical. Without it, you cannot pay your debts and obligations. You cannot buy mandatory supplies. So you must take steps to conserve your cash. You should also have access to one or more sources of cash. If you have been running a lean, operationally-focused profitable enterprise, then you will have built up reserves (assuming you didn’t pull all the cash out of the business for personal pursuits).

Let’s drill down into financial management to both avoid -where possible – and weather a crisis.

Generate operational cash and manage it.
Structure operations to drive a high gross margin.

You need to structure your operations to first drive a high gross profit ($$) and gross margin (%). The gross margin is your gross profit/total sales. To arrive at your gross profit, deduct all costs directly related to producing and delivering the goods or services you provide. These include direct labor and all their benefits and associated costs (workers comp, 401K matching, insurance benefits, etc.), shipping and transportation, inventory, supplies, and equipment rental.

It is optimal to track gross margin by product or service so you can make the necessary adjustments to your offerings and your pricing.
  • Can you drive down costs on lower margin items?
  • Are you managing your people to deliver the service or product efficiently?
  • Do you have clearly defined duties tied to company objectives and clear expectations for each and every employee?
All of these impact your gross profit. Every single one.

Streamline overhead.
Minimize overhead expenses as much as possible but don't be cheap. Focusing only on costs instead of on overall value can be just as damaging as continually overspending. I've seen it. Repeatedly.

Instead, be strategic, effective and efficient. Outsource what makes sense and hire for what is strategic.

Goal: retain as much as your gross profit as possible and generate a high operating profit (pre-tax and before any extraordinary expenses or income).
Want to learn more about how re-structuring your operations for cash and profit? Join the webinar on April 21 at 11 am eastern:

All the above is moot if you do not have financial systems and procedures in place to collect. A 22% operating profit is wonderful, but not if that money is missing from your bank account! Focus as much effort on streamlining your financial operations as you do the rest, otherwise you won't have the cash.

Have sufficient debt or financing capacity.

Financing cash provides support to your operations and your operational cash flow. So you first need a sufficient line of credit with enough room on it. If your current credit line is constantly maxed out and rarely goes to zero, increase the line. And re-structure your operations.

Restructure debt and leases.
If your crises is deeper or will last longer than your current cash and credit line can support, work with your bank, other lending institutions and your landlord, in that order. Options include:
  • Request a forbearance. Ask for a 3-month, 6-month or longer cessation of payment, at which time the loan will presume.
  • Decrease payments. From $3,000 per month to $1,000 for a specified period.
  • Roll loan into another loan. This is similar to re-financing but the loan amount is increasing.
  • Get a new loan. Get a term loan to cover payroll, equipment or other expenses during the crisis period.
 A crisis is serious. By re-structuring your overall and financial operations now, you position your company to weather the storm. You’ll follow through on your operational decisions with no desperation or panic.
I'm here to help. Join me for a webinar:
Structure Your Business Right for Awesome Cash and Profits – What You Need to Do to Thrive in a Downturn (
So what does that re-structuring look like? You’ll need to:
  1.  $Value your business
  2. Understand what your financials are telling you
  3. Recognize you may be the bottleneck to high value, why, and what to do about it
  4. Design and develop the organizational structure that drives performance
  5. Tie your employees’ work to business goals and hold them accountable
  6. Determine KPIs and measure performance
  7. Make adjustments to maintain trajectory
It doesn’t matter if you’ve been in business for 3 years or 10 years. This is the framework to build a business that weathers a recession and ultimately generates the cash, produces the profit and supports the growth or lifestyle you envision.
If you’re not sure if this webinar can help you, check out the case study: How I Helped a $10 Million Transportation Company Go from Near Insolvency to Growth and Stability (attached). It outlines the specific steps I took.

Then sign up.
The Resourceful CEO
P.S. – If you have any thoughts you’d like to share, please shoot me an email or simply reply to this one.