Subject: FriendWhat You Need to Do to Thrive in a Downturn

Structure Your Business Right for Satisfying Cash and Profits
What You Need to Do to Thrive in a Downturn
I’m a huge advocate of monitoring and managing your cash. If you run out of cash, depending on your supplier relationships, you could be forced to shutter in as little as four to six weeks. Unfortunately, running out of cash is a serious, serious issue, which is why I mention it so often.
I speak from personal experience. Once, I owned a real estate investment company. I was a millionaire on paper, but I had little cash and suffered when several problems hit multiple properties at once. To put it bluntly, I got slammed.
Now, with businesses having to shutter or drastically reduce operations due to the coronavirus, cash is an absolutely critical issue for way too many. To help, the government has enacted measures to help, including providing SBA loans with relaxed underwriting standards and a forgivable component. However, if you take advantage of these, you will need to understand what your cash needs are to ensure you can repay the regular portion of the loan.
I STRONGLY recommend using a 12-week cash flow projection. I use this with all my consulting clients and it is simply eye-opening. You can see what is happening to your cash now, over the 12-week period, as well as forecast the future to determine what you need to address now to be prepared.
A tool like this is invaluable for managing your cash and spotting issues before they punch you in the gut. If you’ve already been sucker punched by the situation we’re in, it’s a useful tool for charting a path forward.
A recession is coming. No, it’s here.
Several companies were born and thrived during a downturn. In 2009, a partner and I almost bought a masonry construction firm. The original bank financing the deal had to pull the plug because too many masonry firms in their portfolio were failing. But our target was thriving.

Why? He had systems in place and constantly tracked his metrics and made the necessary operational and financial adjustments. He competed on value.
Let's review:
  • Do you review your financial statements at least monthly?
  • Do you have KPIs (key performance indicators) for key areas of your business and review them at least weekly?
  • What’s happening with those KPIs and financial metrics? What’s the trend? Are there shocks?
Just looking at the numbers is a complete waste of time! You need to compare and contrast, identify trends, and find out the why behind the trends. This is what it means to work on your business.
If you want to survive and thrive during this downturn, your business operations must be on point.
You might need to re-build / re-structure your operations and organization to eliminate waste and ratchet up employee productivity. In a recession where cash is tight and financing may be restricted, every dollar counts. Not just for you, but also for your customers. You thrive by building a company that is both valuable to you and to the customers you serve.
I'm here to help. Join me for a webinar:
Structure Your Business Right for Awesome Cash and Profits – What You Need to Do to Thrive in a Downturn (
So what does that re-structuring look like? You’ll need to:
  1.  $Value your business
  2. Understand what your financials are telling you
  3. Recognize you may be the bottleneck to high value, why, and what to do about it
  4. Design and develop the organizational structure that drives performance
  5. Tie your employees’ work to business goals and hold them accountable
  6. Determine KPIs and measure performance
  7. Make adjustments to maintain trajectory
It doesn’t matter if you’ve been in business for 3 years or 10 years. This is the framework to build a business that weathers a recession and ultimately generates the cash, produces the profit and supports the growth or lifestyle you envision.
If you’re not sure if this webinar can help you, check out the case study: How I Helped a $10 Million Transportation Company Go from Near Insolvency to Growth and Stability (attached). It outlines the specific steps I took.

Then sign up.
The Resourceful CEO
P.S. – If you have any thoughts you’d like to share, please shoot me an email or simply reply to this one.