Subject: The Resourceful CEO Newsletter - 8th ed.

The Resourceful CEO Newsletter
Hello Friend!

Here is the eighth installment of your monthly issue of "The Resourceful CEO Newsletter". As always, I hope you enjoy it!  We want to provide you with up-to-date, relevant information to assist you without overwhelming you! In between newsletters, you can check out the blog, the The Resourceful CEO .

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Radio INTERVIEW - Business Innovators Magazine

Business Innovators Magazine, focuses on "interviews with the most innovative leaders in business". Mike Saunders, the host, interviewed Tiffany on the topic of building a stronger business. "In this interview you will hear several non-traditional ways to access capital for your business and how a specific factor must be present to ensure success, and it is not what you may think!, with a special emphasis on accessing financing for marketing purposes."
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Or contact me directly at:
Tiffany C. Wright
The Resourceful CEO, LLC
245 N. Highland Ave. NE
Suite 230-246
Atlanta, GA 30307
866-466-3692 or 404-642-0509

“Great book!!! If you are looking for financing sources you must read this book!!!.”

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The Funding Is Out There! Access the Cash You Need to Impact Your Business
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How Your Company's Culture Can Make or Break Your Employee Retention Rate
Corporate culture can play a significant role on how employees feel about their place of employment and whether or not they intend to stay. Recently, many companies have reviewed their corporate cultures to ensure they are appealing to younger workers, who demand a more open and interactive atmosphere that utilizes their individual talents. Both small, startup companies and large corporations can benefit from creating an atmosphere of creativity and personal enrichment. In many cases, the company culture is instrumental in an employee’s decision to stay, or look for more satisfying work opportunities. The following are a few examples on how your company culture can affect retention.

Read the entire article:
The Resourceful CEO works with small and medium business owners who have no senior management team who either are cash-strapped, overwhelmed, frustrated or bored by their businesses who want to once again experience the joy they once had and spend higher quality time, less time, or no time IN their businesses. What makes The Resourceful CEO unique is that I understand where they are. I've helped over 20 businesses get over $42 million in funding, obtain over $25 million in contracts, and built a company to a net worth of $1 million in 2.5 years. Because of this, our clients get the guidance, support system, network, and insights they need. Our clients access the cash and resources they need and strengthen and increase the value of their businesses so they can do whatever they want with those businesses. You can call 1-866-466-3692 or 404-642-0509 to set up a time to talk about building a business that works without you and generates more cash. This 20-minute, high impact consult is free.

Absenteeism and Employee Morale

In this video, I discuss how absenteeism affects employee morale. Often, employees who become overworked by taking on the tasks of absent employees will begin to feel taken advantage of. This leads to lower work performance with resentful and sullen employees. Do you want insights on the common causes of lower employee moral and how this can impact your business' profits and cash flow? Then watch this video.