Subject: Hi Friend, Recognize and Exploit Crisis Opportunities

The Resourceful CEO®
Hello Friend,

Welcome to the May edition of the monthly newsletter!

For those of you who attended the webinar on April 21, thank you! It was a great success. I appreciate the turnout and support.

I help B2B companies restructure their operations and finances to generate stronger cash flow, higher profit, and greater freedom.
Recognize and Exploit Crisis Opportunities

Invitation: You are invited to this online MeetUp called the SORS Collective.  Normally we host this monthly meeting in person in Atlanta, but due to the novel coronavirus, we are hosting it online. So we decided to open it to a broader audience this time. This event is 100% free.

Meeting Summary: Every crisis presents opportunities to exploit.

The focus on the COVID-19 Pandemic has been overwhelmingly negative. But some entrepreneurs emerge as phoenixes from the ashes of crises and great economic turmoil. The key is to shift your focus onto the SOLUTIONS to the problems and NOT the problems. In this meeting, we'll discuss some of these opportunities, how to identify them and their financial and legal considerations.

When: Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Eastern Time
Dial-in (if no web access): 206-331-4836.
Attendee PIN:837-925-828#

You don't have to RSVP. Just show up. Hope to see (or hear) you there!

Background on and purpose of The SORS Collective: Sors is the Roman god of luck, wealth and prosperity. The SORS Collective believes, as a business owner who is seeking to build a profitable, sustainable business that provides wealth for him or herself, their family and others for this generation and beyond, you need a little luck, a wealth of knowledge, and a prosperity mindset. Hence, The SORS Collective will operate in an informal group setting to provide financial and legal advisory to small business owners to help them achieve this objective. The group is led by a Columbia law school-trained attorney (Roxann Smithers of Smithers + Ume-Nwago, LLC) and a Wharton-educated financial and business consultant (Tiffany C. Wright of The Resourceful CEO). It is free and open to existing business owners with employees, contracts, and cash flow (among others) questions who want to strengthen their businesses so they can scale.

Our events will be a roundtable, informal format. They will begin with a brief overview of a business topic from a legal and financial perspective. It will then open up for questions. The objective is to reduce the fear and trepidation surrounding legal and financial concerns to make business owners more proactive instead of reactive, thus supporting business success.

Operational Restructuring - Case Study 
Transforming your business may not be easy but it is possible. Check out this in-depth yet succinct case study that walks you through how I spearheaded the efforts of one transportation company from having a negative balance sheet  (negative owners' equity) and hemorrhaging cash to strong cash flow, positive owners equity and increased profitability.
