Subject: Hi Friend, It's The Resourceful CEO Newsletter - 2020

The Resourceful CEO®
Hello Friend,

Welcome back to the monthly newsletter. I know I completely disappeared for 3.5 years. My apologies! I was serving clients on-site in cities all over the eastern U.S., traveling from Sunday evening to Friday afternoon. With that heavy travel schedule, I admit, I didn't have the energy to blog, create a newsletter, or anything else non-essential. But I've re-structured so that I can serve more clients overall - by creating packages and programs that primarily work online or via video calls, so I'm back now! I've also re-focused. The Resourceful CEO now helps B2B small business owners re-structure their businesses operationally and financially to generate the cash flow, profit, and lifestyle they envisioned.
3 Steps to Set and Actually Achieve Your Small Business Goals

Unfortunately, most resolutions set at the beginning of the year end up falling by the wayside within three months. Hence, they are more like hopes and wishes. This is also what the goal setting for many small businesses looks like. To actually achieve your small business goals, you need to not just set your goals, but also commit, align and affirm. Read to find out how.
Operational Restructuring - Case Study 
Transforming your business may not be easy but it is possible. Check out this in-depth yet succinct case study that walks you through how I guided one transportation company to have the business they envisioned.
The Resourceful CEO on social media
I've also just restarted the Tiffany C. Wright /The Resourceful CEO channel on YouTube. Click on the highlighted text to listen to the recording of chapter 2 of my book, The Funding Is Out There!  
Structure Your Business to Take a Vacation This Year
He kept saying how he was a small business owner and this was the first vacation he’d had in seven years!But your business is meant to serve you and others. To make this true, you must structure your business to support you. Read more »
The Funding Is Out There!
“An important book for small business owners and new entrepreneurs to own and read. Comprehensive and creative financing strategies for a variety of situations.”
Anthony Berg

Purchase your copy of The Funding Is Out There! Access the Cash You Need to Impact Your Business on Amazon
