Subject: Well, well, well, What do we have here ★★★

Early Bird sale ends 31st March
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Twins of Faith Conference 2017 - Melbourne
14 - 16 April 2017
The Event Centre, Flemington Racecourse

As our team is working hard organising visas, tickets, accommodation, availability and the myriad of logistical issues that need to be sorted before speakers & entertainers can be confirmed, InshaAllah.
to see line up of confirmed speakers and entertainers!

May Allah bless those who sacrifice their time and effort to spread His word and empower the Ummah around the world. It's not a short journey to fly across the world to our beautiful land down under!

More important details below!

Questions? Just reply to this email. BaarakAllahu Feekum

Twins of Faith Team

Teens of Faith
Fun, inspiring and educational platform for the youths to develop love and connection with the religion of Allah. For teens age 10 and above.

Little Explorers World
Drop off your kids at the Little Explorers World while you relax and enjoy the lectures & performances! More than just a childcare. For kids age 5 to 9 only.
Mother's Room
For our beautiful mothers with kids under 5 years with dedicated separate area with live video and audio. Total privacy for moms! ♥
Have a burning question?

Just hit reply to this email and let us know. We will respond to all emails within 1 day inshaAllah.
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Proudly sponsored by
Twins of Faith is one of the many initiatives by Mercy Mission World, a not-for-profit Muslim community development organisation that pioneers education and social service programs across the world.
Mercy Mission Da'wah Inc., 359 Exhibition Street, 3000, Melbourne, Australia
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