Subject: Love or hate roller coasters?

Topic Connect #1
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Twins of Faith Conference 2017 - Melbourne
14 - 16 April 2017
The Event Centre, Flemington Racecourse
With less than two weeks to go, it's time to start spiritually preparing to make the most out of #TOF2017

Over the next few days, we'll send you regular updates of topics & what you can expect insha Allah!

(And also an opportunity to win TWO FREE tickets to #TOF2017!)
Topic #1 - The Iman Roller Coaster
In our lives in this DUNYA, many a time we find ourselves climbing rapidly up the mountain of a spiritual high and then plummeting down from the summit to a spiritual low. 

Our stomachs churn. 

We feel fear. 

The feeling of a spiritual low begins to affect our worship, our relationships, our work and our beliefs. We begin to blame our circumstances in this Dunya.

But is the DUNYA to blame? 

Attend Twins of Faith this year to discover how we can overcome periods of low Iman and develop techniques to climb up that slope again to sustain periods of high Iman!

Now competition time. Want to win TWO FREE Tickets?

Just click here & tell us in comments why you think you could benefit from this topic before 12 PM, Monday, 3 April and we'll pick one winner insha Allah!

More topics to come soon. Stay Tuned.

#TOF2017 #Dunya
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Just hit reply to this email and let us know. We will respond to all emails within 1 day inshaAllah.
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Twins of Faith is one of the many initiatives by Mercy Mission World, a not-for-profit Muslim community development organisation that pioneers education and social service programs across the world.
Mercy Mission Da'wah Inc., 359 Exhibition Street, 3000, Melbourne, Australia
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