Subject: A message from Azim Kidwai

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JazakAllahu khairan for your ongoing support of the Twins of Faith conference and if you attended this years conference in Melbourne I pray you benefitted from it.

On Saturday (day 2) at the conference, I made a presentation about an amazing project we are working on for our children’s Islamic education and personal development.

We are developing an end to end online-onsite Islamic education portal for our children that will ensure that they have the right Islamic education. We call it AlKauthar Kids.

AlKauthar Kids, will be a wonderful portal of content. It will bring together learning, fun, and a kids network. Designed directly by AlKauthar instructors it will take learning priorities and make them into fun content that appeals to children and is able to serve the needs of the whole family. 

Islamic versions of some of our courses are an inevitability for us, and will be designed and delivered with following objectives in mind: 

  1. To provide high quality ‘infotainment’ (entertaining ways to share knowledge of public benefit) for the youth which inspires them to be better citizens and look to helping their communities. 
  2. To build confidence, piety, selflessness and identity amongst younger people through a better relationship with Islamic voices and teachers. 
  3. To provide a non-judgmental open minded Islamic dialogue that builds trust and confidence in the children and in the personalities that they watch. 

This is a critical piece of work with many components and will require a substantial investment to introduce. From these funds we will deliver the following key pieces of a children’s’ eco-system which we pray will revolutionise how we do things.

Bespoke Content: 

  • Videos
  • Animations - Games
  • App
  • Website 

These will all contribute to an online family emerging and we hope the source of much fruitful discussions which help and support younger people feel more confident about their faith. 

Please register by clicking the button below to help raise these funds.

JazakAllahu khairan.

Your brother

Azim Kidwai

CEO, Mercy Mission World.

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Mercy Mission Da'wah Inc., 359 Exhibition Street, 3000, Melbourne, Australia
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