Subject: 74 tickets remaining, speaker names announced, info for Mum's and Kids!

A few things happening today, presale end, speaker announcements!
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Melbourne | 6 & 7 June 2015 | Flemington Racecourse
A couple of quick points regarding the upcoming Twins of Faith conference in Melbourne
Speakers confirmed so far
  • Karim Abuzaid (US)
  • Tawfique Chowdhury (Malaysia)
  • Gyasi Mckenzie (US)
  • Wasim Kempson (UK)
  • Furqan Jabbar (AU)
  • Abu Bakr Zoud (AU)
  • Sara Hassan (AU)
  • Kamal Saleh (AU)
Last day today for Discounted Presale Round 2 tickets
  • Tickets discounted to 40%
  • Only 74 tickets remaining
  • Sale ends tonight
Updated information for Mum's and Kids
  • Website has been updated to include details for Little Explorers' World and Mum's retreat
  • No pre-registration required. 
If you've got your tickets already, Alhamdulillah that's great! 

May Allah reward you for your intention to attend the conference, as though you have attended it already. And may He multiply your rewards for every day until the conference itself. Ameen! 
A reminder today being Jumu'ah

Friday is the master of [all] days, and the greatest of them before Allah. It is greater before Allah than the day of al­ Aḍḥā and the day of al ­Fiṭr. It has five virtues: on this day Allah created Ādam; on it He sent Ādam down to the earth; on it Allah caused Ādam to die; in it there is a time when a person does not ask Allah for anything but He gives it to him, so long as he does not ask for anything ḥarām; and on a Friday the Hour will begin. There is no angel who is close to Allah, no heaven, no earth, no wind, no mountain and no sea that does not fear Friday. [Ibn Mājah]

Sunnah of Friday:
✶ Do ghusl
✶ Use sewak
✶ Send salawat upon Prophet ﷺ
✶ Apply kohl
✶ Put on perfume (for men)
✶ Grooming
✶ Read Surah Kahf
Questions? Trouble getting your tickets? 
Reply to this email to or 
give us a call on 0477 273 002
Twins of Faith is one of the many initiatives by Mercy Mission World, a not-for-profit Muslim community development organisation that pioneers education and social service programs across the world.