Subject: TWA-WOL Recording from Oct 28 Now Available

Rays of Healing Light
Nedda Wittels from "Rays of Healing Light" presents:
Dear Friend,

          I thought this card was mailed last Saturday
          and just discovered that it had not been sent.
          Sorry for the delay!  Nedda

TWA - A Way of Life
has drawn to a close and the recording of our last session is now available for you to play on the Participants' Page.

The recording is filled with many confirmations and tips to help you expand your animal communication skills.  If you were unable to be on the live call, you may find answers to some of your questions here.

Echo and Starlight have asked me to tell you how much they enjoyed speaking with you, and I, too, enjoyed having you in the class.

I hope someday we'll have another opportunity to study Animal Communication together, as I always learn from my students.



A special GROUP EMOTION CODE™ session just for members of this class has been scheduled for Saturday, November 4, 2017 at 10 a.m. EDT.

The session will be about 60 minutes, depending on the number of people who register and the number of emotions that are ready to be released.

You are invited to take advantage of this opportunity to clear away additional emotional blocks that may be holding you back from experiencing a smooth flow of Animal Communication.

This may be a very small class, so
you must be able to attend the session live!

The fee is only $25.

Use this link to make your payment
on the Participants' Page.

You register by making your payment.

The minimum requirement of 3 people has been met.

There is room in the class for everyone who was in TWA - A Way of Life, so don't hesitate to take advantage of this opportunity.

I am excited to give you this
additional opportunity to expand your
Animal Communication SUCCESS!


Nedda Wittels
9 Knollwood Circle
Simsbury, CT 06070
United States

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