Subject: TWA-BSA1 - Preparing for our first class Saturday, July 14.

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Before our class begins on Saturday, July 14, 2018

Dear Friend,

A few things to do this week that I want to tell you about.


At the request of one of the students, I've decided to add an egroup to this course.  Sharing experiences,  supporting each other, and giving feedback results in  better learning.

I interviewed everyone in my last 2 classes who were in both the Google Group and the Yahoo Egroup to get feedback.

The results were evenly split between the two online groups.

With the Google Group, if you go to the group online, each message is listed and all replies to each message are listed under that specific message.  This makes it easier to find messages that go together.

Also, it's easier than in Yahoo to tell what you've already read and what you haven't read.

So I'm going to set up a google group for this course. 

YOU MUST BE INVITED BY ME to join the group because the group is private.  So please, as soon as possible ...
  1. Get an gmail address.  If you already have one, you can use the one you have.
  2. Send an email to me at with the gmail address you want to use for the google group.  I will then send you an email invitation to join the group.
  3. Do not assume that I still have your gmail address from another class.
  4. More instructions will follow later.


YOUR PHOTO:  Please send me a photo of you.  I can use one I already have from the last class you attended, so if you're happy with that, say so in the email you send with the animal's photo.

ANIMAL PHOTO:  Please send me a photo of one (1) of your animals (in physical only) who is willing to be scanned by you and other students.  The photo must only be of that animal - no one else can be in it.

Send all photos as email attachments.

The animal must be a mammal.  No birds, fish, reptiles, or insects.  (People do keep pet tarantulas.)  This is a level 1 course.

Since you've all taken Animal Communication classes before, I'm confident you can ask your animals who wants to participate.

In the same email with the attached animal photo, list the following information about the animal.
  1. Name
  2. Breed
  3. Age
  4. Sex (spayed?  neutered?)

SCHEDULE & CALL IN Information

TWA - Body Scans for Animals (Level 1)

3 classes, each 2 hours long.
Saturdays, July 14, 21, and 28, 2018
All classes will be recorded.

Phone: 1-712-770-4160
Access code: 978537
If you prefer to use a VoIP Dialer,
Call the same phone number shown above
and enter the access code when asked for it.
Use this link
for Canadians who cannot call area code 712
and for other international call-in numbers
when you want to use a telephone.
Any questions?
Reach me at


~~ Nedda's Services

"Listening with my heart to help you find
compassionate, supportive solutions."

Animal Services:
  • Animal Communication
  • Distance Multidimensional Energy Healing for animals.

For Human Services, click here.

Schedule a session: 860-651-5771.

Nedda Wittels, 9 Knollwood Circle, 06070, Simsbury, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.