Dear Friend,
There are 10 qualities of every good listener. In our class tomorrow, you'll learn about each quality and why each one is important when you want to listen to animals. They are especially valuable when you have issues to resolve with another person in human or animal form.
Our topic this week is:
Listening to Resolve Problems.
Please print out the attached file on the 10 Qualities of a Good Listener and bring it with you to class.
If you're taking the class by listening to the recordings, please email any questions you may have before Saturday morning so I can answer them on the recording.
~~ Turn off all devices around you that might interfere or interrupt you during class time or when playing the recording of this class.
~~ Class
begins at 10 a.m. EDT. Please arrive at 9:55 so we can begin on time.
Class time runs from 90 minutes to 2 hours, depending on how much time
we need for sharing and Q & A.
~~ If for any reason you can't
make the class or know you'll be late, please send me an email so I
won't delay our start. Thanks. If you've already let me know, there's
no need to email a second time.
~~ "Ten Qualities of a Good Listener" - handout attached to this email.
~~ Your practice journal and writing implement.
~~ Questions you want to ask. ~~ A glass of water to stay hydrated. ~~ Your beautiful self
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Send questions to Nedda..
See you in class. Namaste. Nedda