Dear Friend,
I hope you've been having a good time practicing this week and are ready to go even deeper into The Art of Telepathic Listening.
Our topic this week is:
Responding Neutrally While Listening.
After our last session, I shared some of my thoughts and feelings in our egroup about the concept of being "neutral" when speaking telepathically with animals.
If you've had some thoughts and/or feelings since reading my message there, please bring them with you to class.
~~ Turn off all devices around you that might interfere or interrupt you during class time or when playing the recording of this class.
~~ Class
begins at 10 a.m. EDT. Please arrive at 9:55 so we can begin on time.
Class time runs from 90 minutes to 2 hours, depending on how much time
we need for sharing and Q & A.
~~ If for any reason you can't
make the class or know you'll be late, please send me an email so I
won't delay our start. Thanks. If you've already let me know, there's
no need to email a second time.
~~ Your practice journal. ~~ Questions you want to ask.
~~ A writing implement. ~~ A glass of water to stay hydrated. ~~ Your beautiful self
Nedda Wittels is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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Send questions to Nedda..
See you in class. Namaste. Nedda