Subject: FREE 10-PAGE RESEARCH GUIDE for Trentino Genealogy

FREE 10-PAGE RESEARCH GUIDE for Trentino Genealogy

November 9th, 2023 at 6:04 pm BST

FREE 10-PAGE RESEARCH GUIDE for Trentino Genealogy View onlineTHURSDAY, 9 NOVEMBER 2023 Hello again Friend Lynn Serafinn from Trentino Genealogy here. Can you believe it is already November? I don't know what it's like where you are, but here in Eng ...

CORRADI of Val Giudicarie. Folkloric Heroes. Medieval Lords.

July 17th, 2023 at 12:56 pm BST

New article by Lynn Serafinn at Trentino Genealogy View onlineMONDAY, 17 JULY 2023 Hello again Friend Lynn Serafinn from Trentino Genealogy here. I hope those of you in the northern hemisphere are enjoying the summer. Here in England, it's been awfu ...

NEW ARTICLE: The RAMPONI of Val di Sole. Dimaro, Carciato, Magras.

April 25th, 2023 at 3:34 pm BST

View onlineTUESDAY, 25 APRIL 2023 Hello again Friend Lynn Serafinn from Trentino Genealogy here. Well, we're almost at the end of April. How has the spring been for you so far? Here in England, you can barely tell it's spring at all, as the weather h ...

NEW ARTICLE: The SERAFINI of Trentino. Preore, Ragoli, Bleggio, Faver, etc.

April 5th, 2023 at 7:16 pm BST

View onlineWEDNESDAY, 5 APRIL 2023 Hello again Friend It's Lynn Serafinn from Trentino Genealogy here. Are you and your family preparing for Easter? I will probably spend a quiet weekend at home. I might do some genealogy, or (if the weather EVER sta ...

NEW ARTICLE: The MATURI of Pinzolo, Mezzana, Cavizzana, and Caldes

March 27th, 2023 at 5:44 pm BST

View onlineMONDAY, 27 MARCH 2023 Hi FriendHappy spring! Or is it? Here in England, it is still quite chilly. How is it where you are? I am really looking forward to the warmer weather. I am writing to let you know that I just published a new article ...