Subject: VIDEO PODCAST: Recording GODPARENTS in Your Family Tree

VIDEO PODCAST: Recording GODPARENTS in Your Family Tree


Hello again Friend

Lynn Serafinn from Trentino Genealogy here. I hope the New Year has been good to you so far. It's been really stormy, wet and windy here in Britain this month, and I've spent most of January working on various genealogy projects. But actually, I do that even when the sun is shining, too, because I love genealogy so much!

I'm writing today to let you know about TWO new updates on the website.

UPDATE 1: I just created a new VIDEO PODCAST called:

You can watch the podcast by clicking this link:

In this 40-minute video, I cover: 

  1. WHY you would want to record godparents in your tree.

  2. Types of INFORMATION you can discover by looking at godparents.

  3. EXAMPLE of how many people record godparents, and why I do not use that method.

  4. EXAMPLES of how I record godparents and why.

  5. A look at an old BAPTISMAL RECORD from the 1500s.

  6. Example of doing a ‘GODPARENT REVIEW’ to try to identify an unknown mother of the children.

I decided to cover this topic in a video rather than a written article, because sometimes SHOWING is a lot clearer (and easier) than explaining. If you've ever wondered if recording godparents was worth the time, or you weren't sure of the best way to do it, this video will definitely give you some ideas. Plus, you'll see how godparent events can often give us information we have been unable to discover via parish records alone.

UPDATE 2: I've just created a TABLE OF CONTENTS on the home page of the Trentino Genealogy website.

Now, whenever you go to the main page at you will be able to find all the articles and other content organised into categories. Right now, the categories are:

  • Resources, Tips and Best Practice (general)

  • Trentino Genealogy – History, Culture and Research Essentials

  • Surname Studies / Histories

  • Parishes and Places in Trentino

  • DNA Tests

  • Miscellaneous Topics

  • Older Articles (some with out-of-date info, but which might still be useful)

I've still got a bit of 'tweaking' to do to it to make it more thorough, but already people are telling me it has made it so much easier for them to find the articles/content they are looking for. Many people hadn't even realised there was so much content on the site. I hope you find this to be a helpful change to the website, and that you make full use of the content.

OK, that's it for now. I've got to get back to editing my Benassuti-Melchiori eBook, which at present has over 90 pages! I think I will manage to whittle it down to 60-70 pages, but even so, this will be the longest surname eBook I've written to date. Please do watch for an email from me when I FINALLY publish it on the website.

Until next time, stay warm!

Lynn Serafinn

Genealogist at Trentino Genealogy

P.S.: I am now taking requests for client research for April 2024 and beyond. Feel free to drop me a line if you would like to set up a time to chat about your family tree project.

P. P.S: If you haven't done so already, be sure to pick up your FREE 10-page genealogy research guide at