Subject: Two Trentino Zoom Presentations TODAY (Sat 6 Aug)


Hi Friend

I wanted to let you know about two Zoom presentations happening TODAY as part of the ITTONA (International Tyrolean Trentino Organization of North America) convention, which is taking place this weekend in Albany, New York.

I am sorry this is coming to you at the last minute, but I only received the links yesterday evening.

Feel free to share with family and friends who might be interested.

Lynn Serafinn

Genealogist at Trentino Genealogy

P.S.: Replays of these presentations will be available NEXT WEEK (not today).

TODAY (SAT 6 AUG 2022) AT 09:30-10:25 EASTERN TIME ZONE.

LYNN SERAFINN: “Why Bother With Genealogy? The Surprising Rewards of ‘Meeting’ Your Trentino Ancestors”


Family history seems to be all the rage these days. There are so many websites and television programs about tracing your ancestry, connecting with long-lost family, or DNA tests. But what’s the big deal? Why should we bother with genealogy? Isn’t it just a bunch of names and dates of people who are long dead, and I will never meet? In this presentation, genealogist Lynn Serafinn will share some of the rich and surprising rewards of tracing your Trentino ancestors. She will describe some of the fascinating discoveries she has encountered in her work, and the profound effects she has witnessed when people ‘meet their ancestors’. She will also discuss the wide variety of research materials available, and offer practical few tips for researching your family history.

TODAY (SAT 6 AUG 2022) AT 11:45-12:30 EASTERN TIME ZONE.

MARY BETH MOSER. "Listening to Ancestral Voices: Folk Stories of Resilience and Renewal in the Italian Alps"


In the mountains and valleys of Trentino, villagers once gathered at night in the barn for the "filò:" communal gatherings where families shared stories while the women spun. These folk stories, told orally over the generations, not only provided entertainment but also transmitted a code of ethics, values, everyday folk wisdom, of a people who lived in close relationship with the natural world. In this visual presentation, Mary Beth will draw from the rich body of folk literature to highlight themes of resilience and renewal, where people found balance, healing, and wisdom from trees, plants, animals. She will also talk about magical women, known as Anguane, who embody the wisdom of the water and forests, and demonstrate everyday actions of renewal in cyclic harmony with Nature.