Subject: New Filo' Friday Genealogy Podcasts

5 April 2020

Dear Friend,

I hope you are safe and well during these extraordinary and challenging times of the corona virus pandemic. 

So many of us have been separated from our loved ones during the current lock downs within our own countries, as well as the many restrictions on international travel. I was supposed to go to Trento for a month on March 7th. I actually had to cancel the trip because I was in hospital (not with COVID-19) between Feb 21st and March 13th. During that time, of course, the epidemic hit Italy with great force, and all flights to/from Italy were cancelled. And, like most of the rest of the country, the Diocesan Archives in Trento have been closed. Thus, I couldn't have gone to Trento even if I had been well.

Here in Britain, I have been inspired to see so many people in the community rising to the challenge of helping others in need during this time of crisis. Watching them has made me want to do something in support of OUR Trentino community around the world, to help bring us closer together at this time when we feel acutely separated from one another. 

For that reason, I have started a weekly video genealogy podcast called: 

'Filo' Friday. 

'Filo' is a traditional practice of storytelling in rural Trentino. It was done in the evenings, between dinner and bedtime. The storytellers were often the heads of the households. Its purpose was to bring families together, preserve oral family history, share local legends and fables, and provide entertainment. The word is derived from the verb for 'spinning' because this was traditionally the time when women would spin various yarns for cloth. But it also has a double meaning in that the storyteller was spinning a tale.

My aim for the Filo' Friday podcast is to explore the rich history and culture of the people of Trentino, incorporating interesting things I've discovered in my own research, studies and travels. 

I am delivering them LIVE every Friday (3 PM Eastern, noon Pacific) in our Trentino Genealogy group on Facebook at, where you can also watch the replay any time. 

For those who are not on Facebook, I have also created a special YouTube playlist for the podcast, AND a brand new page on the Trentino Genealogy website called 'PODCASTS'.  

To visit the podcast page, go to

So far, we've had two Filo' Fridays: March 27th and April 3rd. On the first podcast, we look at the Council of Trento in the 1500s. On the second, we explore some of the factors that led to the wave of emigration from Trentino in the late 19th century. 

I hope you find them interesting.

(Of course, our next live Filo' Friday will be this week, Friday April 10th.)

Very soon, I'll be getting back to the article series on Trentino Valleys and Parishes that I started in January. I'll let you know when the next article has been published.

Once again, stay well, and THANK YOU for making my life so wonderful.

Warm wishes,
Lynn Serafinn
Trentino Genealogy

Trentino Genealogy, Goldington Avenue , MK40 3BY, Bedford, United Kingdom
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