Subject: NEW ARTICLE: The SERAFINI of Trentino. Preore, Ragoli, Bleggio, Faver, etc.


Hello again Friend

It's Lynn Serafinn from Trentino Genealogy here. Are you and your family preparing for Easter? I will probably spend a quiet weekend at home. I might do some genealogy, or (if the weather EVER starts to get nice here in England) I might take a nice stroll along the river.

I wanted to let you know that, after having written SO many articles about the ancestors of my clients, I have I have FINALLY published something about one of my OWN ancestral surnames: SERAFINI. The article is called:

You can read the article by clicking this link:

In this article, we look at the linguistic origins of the surname, two frazioni (hamlets) called Serafini, the ancient origins of the surname in Val Giudicarie, a mysterious unidentified stemma (coat-of-arms) for the Serafini of Ragoli, and a bit about the ancestry of the family who owns the famous Serafini gelateria (ice cream parlour) in Lavis, outside the city of Trento.

I also show how ALL the Serafini from the parish of Santa Croce del Bleggio are related, as we are all descended from the SAME couple.

I hope you check it out. If you like it, and want to keep or print a copy,
you can download a 10-page PDF eBook in my digital shop 
on the Trentino Genealogy website at

The price is only 99 cents US.

If you like the article (and especially if you have Serafini ancestors), it would be lovely if you could leave a comment on the website letting me know what you thought, or to ask any questions.

Buona Pasqua a tutti!

Warm wishes,

Lynn Serafinn

Genealogist at Trentino Genealogy

P.S.: I am now taking requests for client research for July 2023. Feel free to drop me a line if you would like to set up a time to chat about your family tree project.