Subject: NEW ARTICLE: The Many ALBERTINI Families of Trentino

NEW ARTICLE: The Many ALBERTINI Families of Trentino


Hello again, Friend

Lynn Serafinn from Trentino Genealogy here. I hope you've been well. So, what do you think? Are we headed for spring weather yet? The past few days in Britain, it has been very springlike, but I don't trust it will stay this way quite yet! I can't wait until I see the daffodils start to peek their heads out of the soil.

I'm writing today to let you know that I just posted a NEW ARTICLE on the Trentino Genealogy website:

You can read the article by clicking this link:

In this detailed article, I discuss the origins and connections of five ancient Albertini lines of Trentino:

  1. Revò (including Romallo), in Val di Non

  2. Brez, also Val di Non

  3. Fisto, Spiazzo Rendena, in Val Rendena

  4. Sclemo and Premione, in Val Giudicarie Esteriore

  5. Val di Rabbi

I also have written a short biography on the interesting life of 18th-century philosopher priest, Giovanni Battista Albertini.

At the end of the article, I have also included information on how YOU or another member of your family can help forward research on the Albertini surname (and other Trentino surnames) but joining our Trentino Y-DNA project.

 If you like this article and want to KEEP it to read whenever you want,
 You can purchase it as an 24-page printable PDF, 
complete with clickable table of contents, colour images,
appendices, maps, footnotes and resource list.
Price: $2.75 USD.
Available in Letter size or A4 size.

JUST A REMINDER: If you haven't done so already, be sure to pick up your FREE 10-page genealogy research guide at

OK, that's it for now. I've got so many other articles I am trying to finish this year, including extended studies on the Benassuti, Melchiori, Visintainer, Malanotti, and others. I will keep you posted.

Until next time, please send me photos of any daffodils you might happen to see this month!

Lynn Serafinn

Genealogist at Trentino Genealogy

P.S.: I am now taking requests for client research for May 2024 and beyond. Feel free to drop me a line if you would like to set up a time to chat about your family tree project.