Subject: Christmas Surname Countdown Day 7: GIRONIMI

Christmas Surname Countdown Day 7: GIRONIMI


Hello again, Friend!

Lynn Serafinn from Trentino Genealogy here. Boy, Christmas is getting close, isn't it? I've been working like crazy trying to make sure all the surname articles will be sent to you on time during our CHRISTMAS SURNAME COUNTDOWN series.

Today is DAY 7 (of 10) of the countdown, and today's featured surname history is:

The GIRONIMI of Revo'

You can READ the full article at this link:

If you like this article and want to keep it, you can purchase the 10-PAGE PDF eBook for $1.75 USD on the website. That way you can print it out and share it with family over the holidays.

In this article, we explore:

-- Linguistic Origins of the Surname Gironimi

-- Gironimi vs. ‘Zavegna’

-- A Theory of Geographic Origins

-- The Soprannome ‘Bressan’

-- Giovanni Andrea Gironimi, Notary

-- The Gironimi in Later Centuries

I really stuck my neck out in this article, formulating an origin theory for this family that is totally of my own invention, and not something I have seen mentioned anywhere. I really hope you find it interesting.

If you do, I hope you'll check out the PDF eBook download available for purchase.

Just 3 more surnames to go! Can I do it before I leave for my daughter's family's house on Christmas Eve? Fingers crossed!

Tomorrow I'll be telling you about article 8 in our CHRISTMAS SURNAME COUNTDOWN. Which surname will I be featuring? You'll just have to check your email tomorrow to find out.

Enjoy your Saturday, and I'll see you tomorrow with the next surname.

Warm wishes,

Lynn Serafinn

Genealogist at Trentino Genealogy

P.S.: I am now taking client bookings for MARCH 2025 and beyond.

Are you looking for help with your family tree? If you would like to book a time to discuss having me do research for you, I invite you to read my ‘Genealogy Services’ page, and then drop me a line using the Contact form on the Trentino Genealogy website.

Then, we can set up a free 30-minute chat to discuss your project.