Subject: CORRADI of Val Giudicarie. Folkloric Heroes. Medieval Lords.

New article by Lynn Serafinn at Trentino Genealogy

MONDAY, 17 JULY 2023

Hello again Friend

Lynn Serafinn from Trentino Genealogy here. I hope those of you in the northern hemisphere are enjoying the summer. Here in England, it's been awfully rainy, I have to say. Well, at least that gives me a good excuse to stay home and do lots of genealogy.

I wanted to let you know about a new article I published on the blog today called:

In this article, I discuss the history of two different Corradi families: the Corradi of Daone, and the more well-documented Corradi descended from the medieval Lords of Castel Stenico.

For the Daone line, I share an interesting folk tale which, although historically inaccurate, gives us some interesting insight into Trentino life in the 17th century.

For the Stenico line, I look at how historians have traced them back to one of the Lords of Stenico who lived in the 12th century. I also take you through 12 generations of Corradi notaries, and show you an array of lovely stemmi (coats-of-arms) granted to the family over the centuries.

I hope you check it out. If you like it, and want to keep or print a copy,
you can download an 18-page PDF eBook in my digital shop 
on the Trentino Genealogy website at

The price is only $1.99 USD.

I hope you enjoy the article. I've tried my best to make the history interesting, even for those whose who do not have Corradi in their family trees. As always, your comments are most welcome on the website.

COMING SOON: Over the next months, I will be working on a couple of articles I had started last year on the VISINTAINER, SCALFI and the MALANOTTI families. I'll let you know when these have been posted on the Trentino Genealogy website.

Until then, I wish you all a lovely summer.

Lynn Serafinn

Genealogist at Trentino Genealogy

P.S.: I am now taking requests for client research for September 2023 and beyond. Feel free to drop me a line if you would like to set up a time to chat about your family tree project.