Subject: 5 Finger Exercise for Right Hand

Hi Friend,

I just thought you might like to have this exercise to work on while
you’re waiting to receive Lesson 3. You can view it and print it out by
clicking on the attached .pdf file.

If you haven’t watched Lesson 2 yet, be sure to do that first so this
will make sense. . . here’s the link if you need it:

As you’ve probably discovered by now, some of your fingers work
better than others. This simple little 5 Finger Exercise will help you
develop good coordination for playing the keyboard.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to listen to the audio instructions by clicking
this link to the MP3 file: (click “Download”, then “Open File”)

I’ve printed the various recommended ways to practice below, in case
you’d like to print them out for reference.

Take care,
I hope you’re having fun learning to play your keyboard!

Thomas R Bishop, Director
Northwest Music, Keyboard Conservatory

Recommended Ways to Practice :

1. First, say the finger numbers as you are playing the keys

2. Then, say the letter names of the notes as you are playing the keys

3. Then, just listen to each tone as you are playing for consistency
- They should all have the same duration (how long or short the
tone lasts)
- They should all be the same volume – especially if you’re
playing the piano. When you press down hard on the key, it plays
loudly. When you press down with a light touch, it plays softly.
Try playing it both ways. (Note: if you are playing an electronic
keyboard, it may, or may not have, touch sensitive keys.)

4. Be sure to keep an even tempo (speed) as you go up and down
the keys.